Previous Topic: Configuring Policy Server Data Storage OptionsNext Topic: Configure the Policy Store Database

Configure Data Storage Options Overview

You configure storage locations for SiteMinder data stores from the Policy Server Management Console Data tab.

Follow these steps:

  1. Start the Policy Server Management Console.

    Important! If you are accessing this graphical user interface on Windows Server 2008, open the shortcut with Administrator permissions. Use Administrator permissions even if you are logged in to the system as an Administrator. For more information, see the release notes for your SiteMinder component.

  2. Click the Data tab.

    Note: For more information about the settings and controls on this tab, click Help, Management Console Help.

  3. Select the data store that you want to configure from Database. The data store you select determines the storage possibilities that are available.

    Note: The following table lists the data stores that you can configure and the respective storage options. The combination of these settings determines the settings displayed in the context–sensitive controls that become available.

  4. Select a storage type for the selected data store from Storage.
  5. Configure the required information.
  6. Click OK to save the settings.

The following table lists SiteMinder data stores and the available storage options. For more information about these stores, see the SiteMinder Implementation Guide.


Available Storage

Policy Store



Key Store



Audit Logs


Text file

Session Store


CA Directory