Previous Topic: How to Migrate from r6.xNext Topic: Extend the Policy Store Schema

Download the Policy Store Schema Files

The file or files that you require to extend the policy store schema are at the root of the Policy Server installation zip.

If you are upgrading to the base release of r12.5, Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the CA Support site.
  2. Under Support, click Support by Product.
  3. Type SiteMinder in the Select a Product Page field and press Enter.
  4. Under the Select a Product Page list, click Downloads.
  5. Locate your specific SiteMinder product in the Use the Select a Product list to locate your SiteMinder product. Click the name.
  6. Select a release and gen level, and click Go.
  7. Save the Policy Server installation zip locally and extract the kit to a temporary location.

    The policy store schema files are included in the

If you are upgrading to a cumulative release (cr) of r12.5, Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the CA Support site.
  2. Under Support, click Support by Product.
  3. Type SiteMinder in the Select a Product Page field and press Enter.
  4. Under the Select a Product Page list, click Recommended Reading.
  5. Click SiteMinder Hotfix/Cumulative Release Hot Index in the Recommend Reading list.
  6. Click SiteMinder Web Access Manager.
  7. Click the cumulative release that you want.
  8. Download the cumulative release.
  9. Save the Policy Server installation zip locally and extract the kit to a temporary location.

    The policy store schema files are included in the