You can use the smobjimport tool to import the entire policy store or a single policy domain.
Note: This utility is available only to import an existing backup smdif file into the policy store. To migrate a policy store manually, use the XPSExport and XPSImport utilities.
Follow these steps:
Specifies the Policy Server installation path.
smobjimport -ifile_name -dadmin-name -wadmin-pw -v -t [-cf | -cb]
Example 1: smobjimport -ipstore.smdif -dSiteMinder -wpassword -v -t -cf
Example 2: smobjimport -ipstore.smdif -dSiteMinder -wpassword -v -t -cb
(Optional) Imports sensitive data using FIPS-compatible (AES) cryptographic algorithms.
Note: This argument is required only if the Policy Server is operating in FIPS-only mode.
(Optional) Imports sensitive data using RC2 cryptographic algorithms.
Failure to use this option can corrupt the policy store.
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