Release Notes › Policy Server Release Notes › Changes to Existing Features › Federation Security Services UI
Federation Security Services UI
In previous r12.x releases, you manage a federated environment using the Federation Security Services UI (FSS Administrative UI). This UI is the applet–based UI installed with the Policy Server and is the only way to configure and manage legacy federation.
The Federation Security Services Guide explains how to manage a federated environment using the FSS Administrative UI.
The r12.5 release:
- Ports all legacy federation functionality (formerly Federation Security Services) to the SiteMinder Administrative UI. You manage all legacy federation functionality using the Administrative UI.
- Includes the FSS Administrative UI to facilitate the transition of managing legacy federation using the Administrative UI. Consider the following items:
- After you upgrade the policy store to r12.5, run the XPS Sweeper utility to manage legacy federation objects originally configured in the FSS Administrative UI. For more information, see the SiteMinder Upgrade Guide.
- This release, including all cumulative releases and service packs, is the last major release that includes the FSS Administrative UI.
- Support is available for the FSS Administrative UI, but fixes are at the discretion of CA.
- The Federation Manager Guide: Legacy Federation explains how to manage a federated environment using the Administrative UI. All references to the FSS Administrative UI are removed from the r12.5 SiteMinder bookshelf. If you want to use the FSS Administrative UI, see the r12.0 SP3 SiteMinder bookshelf.
Important! Do not refer to the r12.0 SP3 documentation for future legacy federation features released in the Administrative UI.
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