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Configure Single Sign-on for SAML 2.0

Part of the single sign-on configuration is to determine how the Identity Provider delivers an assertion to a Service Provider.

Follow these steps:

  1. In the Administrative UI, navigate to the SAML Profiles settings for a Service Provider object.
  2. Complete the fields in the SSO section of the page. Select the SAML bindings to use for communication.

    For the HTTP-Artifact binding, configure the back channel settings so the user has access to the protected Artifact Resolution Service. The back channel settings are on the Attributes step in the configuration wizard.

  3. Click Submit to save your changes.

More information:

Configure the Authentication Scheme that Protects the Artifact Service

Assertion Validity for Single Sign-on

For single sign-on, the values of the Skew Time and the Validity Duration determine how SiteMinder calculates the total time that an assertion is valid. SiteMinder applies the skew time to the generation and consumption of assertions.

Note: In this description, the asserting party is the SAML 1.x Producer, SAML 2.0 Identity Provider, or WS-Federation Account Partner. The relying party is the SAML 1.x Consumer, the SAML 2.0 Service Provider, or the WS-Federation Resource Partner.

In the assertion document, the NotBefore and NotOnOrAfter values represent the beginning and end of the validity interval.

At the asserting party, SiteMinder sets the assertion validity. The validity interval is the system time when the assertion is generated. SiteMinder sets the IssueInstant value in the assertion using this time then subtracts the skew time value from the IssueInstant value. The resulting time is the NotBefore value.

NotBefore=IssueInstant - Skew Time

To determine the end of the validity interval, SiteMinder adds the Validity Duration value and the skew time to the IssueInstant value. The resulting time becomes the NotOnOrAfter value.

NotOnOrAfter=Validity Duration + Skew Time + IssueInstant

Times are relative to GMT.

For example, an assertion is generated at the asserting party at 1:00 GMT. The skew time is 30 seconds and the validity duration is 60 seconds, making the assertion validity interval between 12:59:30 GMT and 1:01:30 GMT. This interval begins 30 seconds before the time the assertion was generated and ends 90 seconds afterward.

At the relying party, SiteMinder performs the same calculations as it does at the asserting party to determine if the assertion it receives is valid.

Calculating Assertion Validity with SiteMinder at Both Sides of the Partnership

If SiteMinder is at both sides of a partnership, the assertion validity is the sum of the validity duration plus two times the skew time. The equation is:

Assertion Validity = 2 x Skew Time (asserting party) + Validity Duration+ 2 x Skew Time (relying party)

The initial part of the equation (2 x Skew Time + Validity Duration) represents the beginning and end of the validity window at the asserting party. The second part of the equation (2 x Skew Time) represents the skew time of the system clock at the relying party. You multiply by 2 because you are accounting for the NotBefore and the NotOnOrAfter ends of the validity window.

Note: For legacy federation, the Validity Duration is only set at the asserting party.


Asserting Party

The values at the asserting party are as follows:

Relying Party

The relying party uses the NotBefore and NotOnOrAfter values from the assertion and applies its skew time to those values. This formula is how the relying party calculates new NotBefore and NotOnOrAfter values.

Assertion Validity Window

Using the values in this example, the calculation for the total assertion validity window is:

120 seconds (2x60) + 60 seconds + 360 seconds (2x180) = 540 seconds (9 minutes).

Define Indexed Endpoints for Different Single Sign-on Bindings

You can configure indexed endpoints for federated communication. An indexed endpoint is the site where assertions are consumed. In the context of SiteMinder, this endpoint is the Service Provider where the Assertion Consumer Service resides.

Each endpoint you configure is assigned a unique index value, instead of a single, explicit reference to an Assertion Consumer Service URL. The assigned index is added to the assertion request that the Service Provider sends to the Identity Provider.

You can configure indexed endpoints for a SiteMinder Service Provider that has a federated relationship with a third-party Identity Provider that supports indexed endpoints. You can also configure the different protocol bindings (artifact, POST) for the Assertion Consumer Service by assigning more than one endpoint to the service.

Note: If your network contains different SiteMinder versions, you cannot configure indexed endpoints. For example, you cannot configure indexed endpoints if the Service Provider is r12.0 SP 2 and the Identity Provider is r12.0 SP3. Configure only one Assertion Consumer Service for both HTTP bindings.

The following figure shows a network that benefits from indexed endpoints.

Graphic showing a network using indexed endpoints

Indexed Endpoints Flow Diagram

The following illustration shows how single sign-on works using an indexed endpoint.

Graphic showing how single sign-on works with indexed enpoints

Note: The Web Agent Option Pack or the SPS federation gateway can provide the FWS functionality.

Using indexed endpoints, the sequence of events is as follows:

  1. The user selects a link to authenticate with a specific IdP. The link contains the IdP ID and AssertionConsumerServiceIndex query parameters index as query parameters because the index feature is enabled.
  2. The SP Federation Web Services (FWS) application asks for an AuthnRequest from its local Policy Server. The request that it sends includes the IdP ID and optionally, the AssertionConsumerServiceIndex and ForceAuthn query parameters.

    A protocol binding is not part of the request because the ACS Index and the Protocol Binding parameters are mutually exclusive. The AssertionConsumerServiceIndex is already associated with a binding so there is no need to specify a Protocol Binding value. If the protocol binding and the AssertionConsumerServiceIndex are passed as query parameters, the local Policy Server responds with an error denying the request.

  3. The AuthnRequest service extracts the IdP information from the SP Policy Server and generates the AuthnRequest message, which includes the AssertionConsumerServiceIndex. Because the AssertionConsumerServiceIndex is one of the query parameters, its value is verified against the IdP from an IdP descriptor document. This document is previously sent from the IdP to the SP.

    The AuthnRequest service reacts as follows:

  4. Assuming that the IdP metadata index and AssertionConsumerServiceIndex values match, the SP Policy Server generates the AuthnRequest.
  5. The SP Policy Server returns the AuthnRequest in an HTTP-redirect binding.
  6. The the SP FWS application redirects the AuthnRequest to the single sign-on service at the IdP. The SP knows the URL of the single sign-on service because the URL is part of the configuration information in the AuthnRequest.
  7. The browser requests the single sign-on service.
  8. The single sign-on service extracts the AssertionConsumerServiceIndex value from the AuthnRequest. The service determines the Assertion Consumer Service URL using the AssertionConsumerServiceIndex. If the Index is not in the metadata, the service generates an error. The error message indicates that an invalid AssertionConsumerServiceIndex is in the AuthnRequest message.

    The Assertion Consumer URL to send the assertion or artifact to the SP, depending on the single sign-on profile in use.

    Note: If the AssertionConsumerServiceIndex parameter is not in the AuthnRequest, the value of the Assertion Consumer Service and the corresponding binding are used by default.

Configure Indexed Endpoints for the Assertion Consumer Service

The single sign-on service extracts an ACS Index value from an AuthnRequest. The service compares the index value to its list of index entries and determines the Assertion Consumer Service URL associated with that index value. The single sign-on service then knows where to send the assertion or artifact, depending on the binding that is associated with the index value.

To configure index entries at the Identity Provider

  1. Log in to the Administrative UI.
  2. Select a Service Provider entry to modify or create one.
  3. Navigate to the SAML Profiles page.
  4. In the SSO section of the page, click the ellipses button at the end of the Assertion Consumer Service field.

    The Assertion Consumer Services page opens.

  5. Click Add.

    The Add Assertion Consumer Service page opens.

  6. Complete the fields on the page.

    You can assign different index values to the same Assertion Consumer Service URL.

  7. Click OK to save your changes.

Note: Remember to configure index entries in the SAML 2.0 authentication scheme at the Service Provider.

Enforce the Authentication Scheme Protection Level for SSO

When a user requests a federated resource, they must have a SiteMinder session. If a user does not have a session, the user is redirected to the Authentication URL to establish a session. The authentication scheme protecting the Authentication URL is configured with a particular protection level. This protection level must be the same or greater than the authentication level you configure for the SAML Service Provider configuration.

If the protection level for the Authentication URL is less than the Authentication Level set in the Administrative UI, the Policy Server does not generate an assertion.

Determine Digital Signing Options

Federation uses a private key/certificate pair to perform various digital signing tasks for federated communication. The private key/certificate pair can sign the following messages:

The partner responsible for signing gives the certificate (public key) associated with the private key to the partner that verifies the signature. This exchange is done in an independent communication before any transactions occur.

When an IdP sends an assertion to an SP, it includes the certificate in the assertion, by default. However, the SP uses the certificate that it stores at its site to verify the signature.

The configuration options for digital signing include:

To specify signing options from the General or SSO tab

  1. Modify an existing SAML Service Provider object or create one.
  2. Navigate to SAML Profiles.
  3. In the Signing Options section of the dialog, complete the fields.
  4. Click Submit.
Create a User Identifier by Enabling Allow/Create

The SAML 2.0 Allow/Create feature lets an Identity Provider create a user identifier at the request of the Service Provider. For this feature to work, the Service Provider request must include the Allow/Create attribute. Additionally, an administrator must configure the Identity Provider to create an identifier. The Identity Provider generates a unique value that becomes part of the NameID, which is in the assertion returned to the Service Provider.

When the Service Provider receives the assertion, the SAML 2.0 authentication scheme processes the response. The scheme then looks up the user in its local user store. Assuming the user record is located, the user is granted access.

To enable the creation of a new user identifier

  1. Log in to the Administrative UI.
  2. Navigate to the SAML Profile settings for a Service Provider object.
  3. In the SSO section of the page, select Allow Creation of New Identifier.
  4. Click Submit.
Ignore the Authentication Context from the SP

Exchanging information about the user authentication context provides each side of a federated partnership a way of communicating about the authentication process.

If a Service Provider requests the authentication context in a request to the Identity Provider, you can configure the Identity Provider to ignore the context.

To ignore the authentication context

  1. Navigate to the General settings for a Service Provider object.
  2. In the Advanced SSO Configuration section, select the Ignore Requested AuthnContext.
  3. Click Submit.
Configure Assertions for One-time Use

In compliance with the SAML 2.0 specification, the Policy Server can enforce the one time use of an assertion. By generating an assertion for one-time use, the relying party knows not to retain the assertion for future transactions. Reusing an assertion beyond its validity results in authentication decisions that is based on out-of-date identity information.

To configure an assertion for one time use

  1. Navigate to the General settings for a Service Provider object.
  2. In the Advanced SSO Configuration section, select Set OneTimeUse Condition.
  3. Click Submit.
HTTP Error Handling at the IdP

Assertion-based single sign-on can fail at the Identity Provider for various reasons. If an HTTP error occurs, the user can be redirected to different applications (URLs) for further processing. Redirection to a customized error page can take place only when the Identity Provider has the necessary information about the Service Provider. If the information is not available, only the HTTP error code is returned to the browser. No redirection occurs.

You can configure redirect URLs for HTTP handling, but they are not required.

To configure optional redirect URLs for error handling

  1. Navigate to the General settings.
  2. In the Advanced SSO Configuration section, select the URL you want to enable then enter the URL. You can specify URLs for one or more of the following errors:
  3. Select one of the following options for the Mode:
  4. Click Submit.

Note: These redirect URLs can be used with the SiteMinder Assertion Consumer Plug-in for further assertion processing. If an assertion request fails, the plug-in can send the user to one of the redirect URLs you specify.

Customize the Session Duration in the Assertion

When the Policy Server IdP sends an assertion, by default it includes the SessionNotOnOrAfter parameter in the Authentication statement of the assertion. A third-party SP can use the value of the SessionNotOnOrAfter to set its own timeout values. The timeout values determine when a user session becomes invalid, which sends the user to reauthenticate at the IdP.

Important! If the Policy Server is acting as an SP, it ignores the SessionNotOnOrAfter value. Instead, the SP sets session timeouts based on the realm timeout that corresponds to the configured SAML authentication scheme that protects the target resource.

The SessionNotOnOrAfter parameter is different than the NotOnOrAfter parameter used to determine assertion validity and skew time.

To customize the SessionNotOnOrAfter parameter

  1. Log on to the UI.
  2. Select the Service Provider entry that you want to modify.
  3. Navigate to the Advanced tab.
  4. Select the Customize Validity duration in the Advanced SSO Configuration section of the dialog.

    The Customize Validity duration dialog displays.

  5. Select a value for the SP Session Validity Duration. The value that you enter is the value of the SessionNotOnOrAfter parameter in the assertion.

    The options are:

    Use Assertion Validity

    Calculates the SessionNotOnOrAfter value that is based on the assertion validity duration.


    Instructs the IdP not to include the SessionNotOnOrAfter parameter in the assertion.

    IDP Session

    Calculates the SessionNotOnOrAfter value that is based on the IdP session timeout. The timeout is configured in the IdP realm for the authentication URL. Using this option can synchronize the IdP and SP session timeout values.


    Lets you specify a custom value for the SessionNotOnOrAfter parameter in the assertion. If you select this option, enter a time in the Customize Assertion Session Duration field.

  6. Click OK to save the changes.