Previous Topic: Combined Functions in New Agent for Internet Information Services (IIS) Web ServersNext Topic: Install an Agent for IIS on Windows Operating Environments

Multiple Agent for IIS Directory Structures

The directory structure added to your IIS web server for your Agent files varies according to the operating environment of your IIS web server. The following directory structures exist:

More information:

Run the Installation Wizard to Upgrade your Agent for IIS

SiteMinder Agent Preparation Roadmap

The following illustration describes how to prepare your Windows operating environment for the SiteMinder agent for IIS:

Graphic showing the steps for preparing your windows operating environment for the Agent for IIS

How to Prepare for an Agent for IIS Installation on your web server

To prepare for an Agent for IIS installation on a Windows operating environment, use the following process:

  1. Verify that you have an account with Administrative privileges for the computer on which you want to install the agent.
  2. Verify that the IIS role, the related role services and features are installed on your Windows operating environment.
  3. Locate the SiteMinder Platform Support Matrix. Confirm that your IIS web server meets the requirements for the agent version you want to install.
  4. Verify that the Windows operating environment for your IIS web server has the proper service packs and updates installed.
  5. Confirm that your Policy Server has the prerequisites for an agent Installation.
  6. Review the Web Agent Release Notes for known issues.
Verify that you have an Account with Administrative Privileges

To install or configure a SiteMinder Web Agent or SiteMinder Agent for IIS on an IIS web server, you need an account with Administrator privileges.

For Windows 2008 systems, do one of the following actions to install or configure a SiteMinder Web Agent or SiteMinder Agent for IIS:

Note: For more information about installing or configuring SiteMinder Web Agents or SiteMinder Agents for IIS on Windows 2008 systems, see the Web Agent Release Notes.

Verify that the IIS Role and Role Services are Installed

The IIS (web server) role is not enabled by default. Verify that the IIS role is installed and enabled on each Windows system, before installing the Agent for IIS.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, All Programs, Administrative Tools, Server Manager.
  2. Verify that IIS appears in the Roles list.
  3. If the Web Server (IIS) role is not shown, add it using the Add Roles wizard. If you decide to use the ISAPI-filter functions of the Agent for IIS, add the following role services too:
Locate the Platform Support Matrix

Use the Platform Support Matrix to verify that the operating environment and other required third-party components are supported.

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the CA Support site.
  2. Click Product Pages.
  3. Enter the product name and click Enter.
  4. Open popular links and click Informational Documentation Index.
  5. Click Platform Support Matrices.

Note: You can download the latest JDK and JRE versions at the Oracle Developer Network.

Technology Partners and CA Validated Products

The latest list of partners and their validated products.

Verify that the Windows IIS Web Server has the Latest Service Packs and Updates

We recommend using Windows Update to verify that your Windows operating environment contains the latest Service Packs and updates, before installing a SiteMinder Agent for IIS.

Review the Policy Server Prerequisites for Agent for IIS Installations

Your Agent for IIS needs the following information about the Policy Servers to which it connects:

The Administrative UI creates these objects in the Policy Server. We recommend creating them before installing your agent to avoid going between your web server and the Administrative UI interfaces later.

Agents for IIS require the names of the following SiteMinder objects stored the Policy Server:

Host Configuration Object

Contains the settings that the agent uses for subsequent connections to a Policy Server following the initial connection that the agent made.

Admin User Name

Identifies the name of a SiteMinder user with the following privileges:

Admin Password

Identifies a password that is associated with the Admin User Name in the SiteMinder Policy Server.


Defines the identity of the Web Agent. This identity establishes a mapping between the name and the IP address of each web server instance hosting an Agent.

When no matching value exists, the agent uses the value of from the DefaultAgentName parameter instead.

Note: This parameter can have more than one value. Use the multivalue option when setting this parameter in an Agent Configuration Object. For local configuration files, add the parameter name and a value to separate lines in the file.

Default: No default

Limit: Multiple values are allowed, but each AgentName parameter has a 4,000 character limit. Create additional AgentName parameters as needed by adding a character to the parameter name. For example, AgentName, AgentName1, AgentName2.

Limits: Must contain 7-bit ASCII characters in the range of 32-127, and include one or more printable characters. Cannot contain the ampersand (&) and asterisk (*) characters. Not case-sensitive. For example, the names MyAgent and myagent are treated the same.

Example: myagent1, (IPV4)

Example: myagent2, 2001:DB8::/32 (IPV6)

Example: myagent,

Review the Web Agent Release Notes for Known Issues

The most-recent versions of the Web Agent Release notes are available from the CA Support website. We recommend reviewing them before installing or configuring a SiteMinder agent.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to the Technical Support website.
  2. Click Enterprise/Small and Medium Business.
  3. Under the Get Support tab, click Product Documentation.
  4. Click the field under Select a Bookshelf.
  5. Type siteminder.
  6. Click the bookshelf that you want from the list, and then click Go.
  7. Click Release Notes.