Previous Topic: How to Configure a PolicyNext Topic: Policy Binding Establishment

Create the Policy

You can create a policy by adding it to a new or existing domain. Policies define relationships between users and resources.

To create a policy and add it to an existing domain

  1. Click Policies, Domain.
  2. Click Domains.

    The Domains page appears.

  3. Specify search criteria, and click Search.

    A list of domains that match the search criteria appears.

  4. Click the name of the domain you want to modify.

    The View Domain page appears.

  5. Click Modify.

    The settings and controls become active.

  6. Click the Policies tab.

    The Policies page appears.

  7. Click Create.

    The Create Policy page appears.

  8. Type the name and a description of the policy.
  9. Click the Users tab.

    The User Directories page appears.

  10. Add users, user groups, or both to the policy, and click Submit.

    The Modify Domain: Name page re-appears.

  11. Click Submit.

    The Modify Domain Task is submitted for processing.

Add Users to a Policy

You can add individual users, user groups, or both to a policy and create a policy binding between the added users and the policy. When a user tries to access a protected resource, the policy verifies that the user is part of its policy binding and then fires the rules included in the policy to see if the user is allowed to access the resource.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Users page.
  2. Add users or groups from the user directory to the policy.

    From within each user directory group box, you can choose Add Members, Add Entry, Add All. Depending on which method you use to add users to the policy, a dialog box will open enabling you to add users.

    Note: If you select Add Members, the User/Groups pane opens. Individual users are not displayed automatically. Use the search utility to find a specific user within one of the directories.

    You can edit or delete a user or group by clicking the right arrow (>) or minus sign (-), respectively.

  3. Select individual users, user groups, or both using whatever method and click OK.

    The User Directories page reopens and lists the new users..

The task of binding users to the policy is complete.

More information:

View User Directory Contents

Policy Binding Establishment

Add Rules to a Policy

Rules indicate the specific resources included in a policy and whether to allow or deny access to the resources when the rule fires. Responses indicate the actions you want to occur when the rule fires.

Note: Add at least one rule or rule group to a policy.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Policy, Rules.

    The Rules page opens.

  2. Click Add Rule.

    The Available Rules pane opens.

  3. Select the individual rules, rule groups, or both that you want to add to the policy, and click OK.

    The Rules section lists the added rules and groups.

  4. (Optional) Associate the rule with a response or response group.

    Note: To remove a rule or rule group from a policy, click the minus sign (-) to the right of the rule on the Rules section. To create a rule, click New Rule on the Available Rules pane.

Associate a Rule with a Response or Response Group

You can associate a response or response group with a rule in a policy. When the rule fires, the associated response also fires.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Add Response for the rule or rule group for which you want to associate a response.

    The Available Responses pane opens and lists the responses and response groups that have been configured for the policy domain.

  2. Select a response or response group, and click OK.

    The response opens in the Rules group box, and is associated with the respective rule.

    Note: If the response you require does not exist, click New Response to create the response.

Associate a Rule with a Global Response

You can associate a rule with an existing global response.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Policy, Rules.
  2. Click the Add Response button next to the rule that you want to modify.

    The Available Responses pane opens.

    Note: Global responses, responses, and group responses are listed in that order on the Available Responses pane.

  3. Select a global response, and click OK.

    The Rules group box reopens, and the selected response is added to the rule.

  4. Click Submit.

    The Modify Policy Task is submitted for processing.

More information:

Global Policies, Rules, and Responses

Add an Expression to a Policy

You can create a Boolean expression and add it to a policy. Boolean expressions operate on variables, and the values of the variables at the time that the policy is processed affect the outcome of the processing. Thus, Boolean expressions influence policy decisions.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Policy, Expressions.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Type variable names in the fields on the Condition group box, or click Variable Lookup, select an operator from the drop-down list, and click Add.

    The condition is added to the Infix Notation group box.

    Note: To create multiple conditions, repeat this step.

  4. Select the conditions and click the buttons on the Infix Notation group box to create an expression.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Submit.

    The Modify Policy task is submitted for processing.

Add a Confidence Level to a Policy

Adding a confidence level to a policy lets you apply the results of an RiskMinder risk score evaluation to an authorization decision. Using an active expression limits the confidence level to only those resources (rules) bound to the policy. For RiskMinder risk scores, lower numbers indicate less risk and a safer transaction. For SiteMinder confidence levels, higher numbers indicate less risk and a safer transaction.

Follow these steps:

  1. From the Administrative UI, click Policies, Domain, Domains.
  2. Click the Edit icon for the policy domain you created for your RiskMinder environment.
  3. Click the Policies tab.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Click the Policies tab.
  6. Click the edit icon for the policy.
  7. Complete the following steps in the Active Policy Expression area:
    1. Enter the following library name:
    2. Enter the following function name:
    3. Enter a confidence level in the Function Parameters field. The valid range is 1 through 1000.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click Submit.

    The confidence level is applied to the resources (rules) bound to the policy.

More information:

Enable Confidence Level Support for Authorization Decisions

Confidence Levels Introduced

Add CA Identity Manager Roles

If SiteMinder is integrated with a CA Identity Manager, a CA Identity Manager role is available for use in policies. Roles let the Policy Sever make authorization decisions for users who are members of CA Identity Manager roles.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Policy, Users.
  2. Click Add Roles from the IDM Environment you want.
  3. Select the roles you want and click OK.
  4. Click Submit.

    The CA Identity Manager roles are added to the policy.

Exclude CA Identity Manager Roles

If a user who is a member of an excluded CA Identity Manager role tries to access a protected resource, the Policy Server:

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Policy, Users.
  2. Locate the roles you want to exclude in the IDM Environments section.
  3. For each role, click Exclude.
  4. Click Submit.

    The CA Identity Manager roles are excluded from the policy.

Exclude a User or Group from a Policy

The Administrative UI allows you to exclude a user or group of users from a policy. This feature is very useful if you have a large user group that should be included in a policy, but you want to exclude a small subset of the group from the policy.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Policy, Users.
  2. In the User Directory section click one of the following:
  3. Choose the task from the following list that corresponds to the item you clicked in Step 2:
  4. Click OK.

    The User Directories page re-opens showing the user or group you chose, along with an Exclude button.

  5. To exclude the selected user or group, click Exclude.

    A check mark appears to the right of the user or group in the Current Members list to indicate that the user or group is excluded from the policy. An Include button replaces the Exclude button.

    When you exclude a group from a policy, the exclusion indicates that anyone included in the policy who is a member of the excluded group (or the specifically excluded user), is not included in the policy. For example, if a policy contained the group Employees, and the excluded group Marketing, anyone who is a member of the Employees group, and not part of the Marketing group is included in the policy.

  6. Click Submit.

    Your changes are submitted. The user or group will be excluded from the policy.

Allow Nested Groups in Policies

LDAP user directories can contain groups that contain other groups. In very complex directories, a hierarchy of nested groups is one way to organize tremendous amounts of user information.

For each LDAP user directory, you can specify that the policy allow nested groups. When nested groups are allowed in an LDAP directory, each user group in the directory and all sub-groups are searched when the policy is processed. When nested groups are not allowed, each user group in the directory is searched, but no sub-groups can be searched, when the policy is processed.

To allow nested groups in a policy that contains an LDAP user directory

  1. Click Policy, Users.

    The User Directories page opens, containing sections that correspond to the user directories associated with the policy domain.

  2. Select the Allow Nested Groups check box for each user directory that contains nested groups, and click Submit.

    The Modify Policy Task is submitted for processing, and nested groups are allowed for the specified LDAP user directories.

AND Users/Groups Check Box

The AND Users/Groups check box lets you restrict authorization to users who are members of more than one user group or to a particular user who is a member of one or more user groups. When adding individual users and user groups in a user directory to a policy, you can specify AND relationships between them by selecting the check box. Alternately, you can specify OR relationships between them by clearing the check box.

When you specify AND relationships and apply the resulting policy to a user, the user must meet the following requirements to be authorized:

Note: A user who is excluded from the policy or is a member of a group that is excluded from the policy cannot be authorized.

Example: Assume that User1, Group1, and Group2 are all bound to a policy and that AND relationships are specified. In this case, test_user must be User1 and a member of Group1 and Group2 to be authorized.

Example: Assume that User1, User2, and Group1 are all bound to a policy and that AND relationships are specified. In this case, test_user cannot be both User1 and User2. Therefore, test_user cannot be authorized.

Important! Do not add two or more individual users to a policy and specify AND relationships. Because no single user can be more than one individual, the policy always fails.

To specify both AND and OR relationships, choose one of the following configurations:

Specify AND/OR Relationships between Users/Groups

The AND Users/Groups check box lets you restrict authorization to users who are members of more than one user group or to a particular user who is a member of one or more user groups. When adding individual users and user groups in a user directory to a policy, you can specify AND relationships between them by selecting the check box. Alternately, you can specify OR relationships by clearing the check box.

When you specify AND relationships and apply the resulting policy to a user, the user must meet the following requirements to be authorized:

Important! Do not add two or more individual users to a policy and specify AND relationships. Because no single user can be more than one individual, the policy always fails.

To specify AND relationships between a user and one or more user groups or between multiple user groups in one user directory

  1. Click Policy, Users.

    The User Directories page opens, and each user directory is displayed in a separate section.

  2. Select the AND Users/Groups check box corresponding to each user directory for which you want to specify AND relationships.
  3. Click Submit.

    The task is submitted for processing.

Add Users by Manual Entry

In addition to using the Available Members list in the Policy Users/Groups Dialog to specify the users and groups to include in a policy, you can specify a user or search string in the Manual Entry group box.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Modify Policy.

    The search window appears.

  2. (Optional) Fill out the search form to narrow your search criteria.
  3. Click Search.

    A list of policies appears.

  4. Click the option button on the left of the policy you want, and then click Select.

    The Modify Policy: Name pane appears.

  5. Click Users.

    The user directories associated with the domain appear in the User Directories group box.

  6. In the Policy Users/Groups Dialog, do one of the following:

    The Policy Server executes the query as the database user specified in the Username field in Credentials and Connections for the user directory. Before constructing the SQL statement for the Manual Entry field, become familiar with the database schema for the user directory. For example, if you are using the SmSampleUsers schema and want to add specific users, you could select from the SmUser table.

    Note: For an LDAP directory, you can enter "all" in the Manual Entry field to bind the policy to the entire LDAP directory.

  7. Click Add to Current Members.

    The Administrative UI adds the user or query to the Current Members list.

  8. Click OK to save your changes and return to the Modify Policy: Name pane.

Enhance Policy Server’s LDAP Authorization Performance

You can enhance the Policy Server’s authorization performance for users stored in LDAP user directories by limiting the role-based authorization to a specific user record rather than the user’s role, as follows:

To enhance the policy server’s performance

  1. Navigate to Modify Policy, Users.

    The User Directories pane opens and contains the group boxes that correspond to the user directories associated with the policy domain.

  2. If the directory on which you want to enhance the authorization performance already appears in a group box, go to Step 8.
  3. If the directory you want does not appear, click Add Members on the directory's group box.

    The Users/Groups pane opens and lists the users and groups in the selected user directory.

  4. Select a Search type from the drop-down list:

    Specifies a user attribute name and value pair.


    Specifies a SiteMinder expression.

  5. Type the user attribute name and value required for authorization in the Attribute and Value fields on the Users/Groups group box.
  6. Click GO to search the directory.

    A list of directories appears.

  7. Select the check box of the directory you want to add, and then click OK.

    The Users/Groups pane closes and the User Directories pane appears. The directory you selected appears in the group box.

  8. Click the Edit (arrow) icon to the left of the directory.

    The User Directory Search Expression Editor appears.

  9. Ensure that Validate DN appears in the Where to Search drop-down list, and then click OK.

    The User Directory Search Expression Editor closes. The Policy Server’s LDAP search is done within the context of the current user and not in the LDAP server’s base DN. This optimization decreases the load on the LDAP server and Policy Server, which allows quicker authorization responses.

Add an LDAP Expression to a Policy

Bind an LDAP search expression to a policy in a policy domain that contains connections to an LDAP user directory using the User Directory Search Expression Editor. A search expression can bind users to a policy based on attributes that appear in user, group, and organization profiles.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Policies, Domains, Modify Policy.
  2. (Optional) Fill out the search form to narrow your search criteria.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Click the option button on the left of the policy you want, and then click Select.
  5. Click the Users tab.

    The user directories that are associated with the domain appear in the User Directories section.

  6. Click Add Entry for the user directory on which the LDAP search expression is to apply.
  7. In the User Directory Search Expression Editor, build an LDAP expression that binds a particular user, group, or organization attribute to your policy.
  8. Click OK.

    The expression appears in the user directory table.

Enable and Disable Policies

By default, policies are enabled when they are created. If a policy is enabled, its rules fire when users attempt to access the resources that those rules specify.

If you disable a policy, the rules that are contained in the policy still fire but no user is authorized. Any resources that are specified in rules that are contained in the policy are still protected. Users cannot access resources that are associated with the rules specified in the policy until you enable the policy. However, if another enabled policy allows access to a resource in the disabled policy, users that are associated with the enabled policy can access the resource.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the policy in the Administrative UI.
  2. Select or clear the Enabled check box.

    If the check box is selected, the policy is enabled. If the check box is cleared, the policy is disabled. A disabled policy does not fire.

  3. Click Submit.

    The policy is saved.

Advanced Policy Options

You can use the following advanced features when setting up policies in the Administrative UI:

More information:

Enable and Disable Policies

Allowable IP Addresses for Policies

You can restrict a policy to fire only for users who access the policy resources from a specific:

For example, if a policy that specifies a range of allowable IP addresses, only users who log in in from one of the specified IP addresses are allowed access to the protected resources.

Specify a Single IP Address

Specify a single IP address to ensure that the policy only fires for users who access the policy resources from the specified IP address.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the policy.
  2. Click Add in the IP Address group box.
  3. Select the Single Host option button.

    Settings specific to a single host appear.

  4. Enter the IP Address, and click OK.

    The IP address appears in the IP Address group box.

    Note: If you do not know the IP address, click DNS Lookup and enter a fully qualified host name to look up the IP address.

  5. Click Submit.

    The policy is saved.

Specify a Host Name

Specify a host name to ensure the policy only fires for users who access the policy resources from the specified host.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the policy.
  2. Click Add in the IP Address group box.
  3. Select the Host Name option button.

    Settings specific to a host name appear.

  4. Enter the host name, and Click OK.

    The host name appears in the IP Address group box.

  5. Click Submit.

    The policy is saved.

Add a Subnet Mask

Specify a subnet mask to ensure the policy only fires for users who access the policy resources from the specified subnet mask.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the policy.
  2. Click Add in the IP Address group box.

    Settings for IP Addresses appear.

  3. Select the Subnet Mask option button.

    Settings specific to the subnet mask appear.

  4. Enter an IP address in the IP Address field.

    Note: If you do not know the IP address, click DNS Lookup and enter a fully qualified host name to look up the IP address.

  5. Enter a subnet mask in the Subnet Mask field.
  6. Click OK.

    The subnet mask appears in the IP Address group box.

  7. Click Submit.

    The policy is saved.

Add a Range of IP Addresses

Specify a range of IP addresses to restrict access to users who attempt to access policy resources from one of the IP addresses that are included in that range.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the policy
  2. Click Add in the IP Address group box.

    Settings IP Addresses appear.

  3. Select the Range option button.

    Settings specific to a range of IP addresses appear.

  4. Enter a starting IP Address in the From field.

    Note: If you do not know the IP address, click DNS Lookup and enter a fully qualified host name to look up the IP address.

  5. Enter an ending IP address in the To field.
  6. Click OK.

    The range of IP addresses appears in the IP Address group box.

  7. Click Submit.

    The policy is saved.

Time Restrictions for Policies

The Administrative UI lets you add time restrictions to a policy. When you add a time restriction, the policy only fires during the period that the time restriction specifies. If a user attempts to access a resource outside of the period that the time restriction specifies, the policy does not fire.

Say that you create a time restriction for a policy that secures access to a resource, and specifies that the policy can only fire from 9am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday. A user is only authenticated and authorized during the times that are indicated in the time restriction. The resources that the policy protects are not available outside the times indicated.

Note: Time restrictions are based on the system clock of the server on which the Policy Server is installed.

More information:

How the Web Agent and Policy Server Calculate Time

Add Time Restrictions to Rules

How Rule and Policy Time Restrictions Interact

If a policy has a time restriction and the policy contains a rule with a time restriction, the policy fires only during times that both restrictions allow.

For example, if a policy has a time restriction of 9AM to 5PM, and a rule has a time restriction of Monday through Friday, the policy only fires between 9AM and 5PM Monday through Friday.

Add Time Restrictions to a Policy

Add time restrictions to a policy to ensure that the policy only fires at specific times.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the policy.
  2. Click Set in the Time group box.

    The Time Restrictions pane appears.

    Note: Click Help for descriptions of settings and controls, including their respective requirements and limits.

  3. Specify starting and expiration dates.
  4. Specify time restrictions in the Hourly Restrictions table.

    Note: Each check box represents one hour. When a check box is selected, the rule fires during that hour, and the rule applies to the specified resources. When a check box is cleared, the rule does not fire during that hour, and the rule does not apply to the specified resources.

  5. Click OK.

    The time restrictions are saved.

Configure an Active Policy

An active policy is used for dynamic authorization that is based on external business logic. An active policy is included in the authorization decision by having the Policy Server invoke a function in a customer-supplied shared library.

This shared library must conform to the interface specified by the Authorization API, which is available separately with the Software Development Kit.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the global policy.
  2. Select the Edit Active Policy check box in the Advanced Group box.

    Active policy settings appear.

  3. Enter the name of the shared library in the Library Name field.
  4. Enter the name of the function in the shared library that is to implement the active policy.
  5. Click Submit.

    The policy is saved.