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Configure a Nested Realm

Administrators who have privileges to Manage Domain Objects can create a nested realm within a parent realm, as long as the parent realm is associated with a domain within the administrator's scope.

Note: You can only create nested realms under a realm that is protected by SiteMinder Web Agents.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Policies, Domain, Realms.
  2. Specify search criteria, and click Search.
  3. Click the name of a realm that you want to modify.
  4. Click Modify.

    The settings and controls become active.

  5. In Sub-Realms, click Create Sub-Realm.
  6. Type the name and a description of the realm.
  7. Type the path of the resource filter.

    Note: The resource filter of the nested realm is added to the resource filter of the parent realm. For example, if the parent realm's filter is /marketing, and the nested realm's filter is /data, the entire filter is: <agent_of_the_parent_realm>/marketing/data.

    Note: Asterisk (*) and question mark (?) characters are treated as literal characters in resource filters, not wildcards.

  8. Specify the session properties.
  9. Specify the following advanced settings:
  10. Click OK.

    The newly created Sub-Realm is added to the parent Realm.

  11. Click Submit.

    A Realm associated with the newly created sub-realm is created.

More information:

Nested Realms