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Apply SiteMinder Behavior to a Web Application Client

Some web applications use script engines, which execute in the context of a web browser, to request resources and display content. Similar to requests standard web browsers send, the requests originating from the script engine can trigger SiteMinder generated behavior, such as HTTP redirects or challenges.

Unless properly integrated with the web application, this behavior can result in the web application client reaching an indeterminate state.

The web application client response (WebAppClientResponse) ACO parameter lets you:

More information:

Redirect a User after a Session Time-out

Prevent Session Cookie Creation or Updates Based on Method and URI

Web Application Client Response Introduced

You use the WebAppClientResponse ACO parameter to implement the functionality of the web application client, while maintaining SiteMinder security.

The parameter is comprised of the following default attributes:


Consider the following factors:

Example: WebAppClientResponse ACO parameter

The example shows the parameter with a valid value for each attribute. A description of each attribute follows the example:


Specifies the URI to which the web application client is making requests. If the URI of a request matches this value, SiteMinder identifies the request as originating from the web application client. The resource can contain a wildcard (*) for prefix and suffix matching.

Default: No value. If this value is omitted, all resources that the Web Agent is protecting apply to the parameter.

Limit: Regular expressions are not supported.

Example: Resource=/web20/dir/*

Example: Resource=/web20/dir/*.xml


Specifies the HTTP method with which the web application client is making the request. If the HTTP method of a request matches this value, SiteMinder identifies the request as originating from the web application client.

Default: No value. If this value is omitted, the parameter applies all HTTP methods.

Separate multiple methods with a comma (,).

Example: GET, POST


Specifies the HTTP status that SiteMinder must send back to the web application client request.

Default: No value. If this value is omitted, an HTTP status of 200 applies to the parameter.


Specifies the fully qualified name of the file containing the custom body that is to function as the response to the web application client request. This file resides on the Web Agent host system and can:

Default: No value. If this value is omitted, SiteMinder forwards the response to the web application client without a body.


Specifies the MIME type of the data present in the file that contains the response.

Default: No value. If this value is omitted, a MIME type of text/plain applies to the parameter.

If the custom body contains SiteMinder generated responses, the content type of the data must be one of the following types:


Specifies the character set of the data present in the body file.

Default: No value. If this value is omitted, the parameter applies a character set type of us–ascii.

Cookie Providers and the Web Application Client Response

Considering the following factors when setting the WebAppClientResponse parameter:

How to Apply the Web Application Client Response to a Web Application

Applying the web application client response with a web application lets you implement the functionality of the web application client, while maintaining SiteMinder security. Complete the following steps to apply the web application client response:

  1. Configure the web application client response (WebAppClientResponse) ACO parameter.
  2. Configure a custom response.
  3. Configure the web application to handle a custom response.
Configure a Web Application Client Response

Configure the Web Application Client Response to implement the functionality of the web application client.

Follow these steps:

  1. Do one of the following tasks:
  2. Enter a value for one or more of the following default attributes:

    Note: Consider the following limitations:

  3. Do one of the following tasks:
Configure a Customized Response

The application owner configures a customized response in the body of a file that resides on the Web Agent host system. When a web application client request triggers SiteMinder functionality, the Web Agent returns the body as a response to the web application client.

Consider the following factors:

Configure the Web Application to Handle a Custom Response

If the custom response includes a SiteMinder reason and redirect URL, configure the web application separately to handle the custom response.

The Web Agent installation wizard installs sample applications in web_agent_home/samples. Extrapolate from the samples for your specific environment and situation.


Specifies the Web Agent installation path.

Modify the Session Grace Period

Web pages usually consist of many resources, all of which are potentially protected by the Web Agent. For each resource associated with a single request, a session cookie is generated. To eliminate the overhead of generating multiple session cookies for a single user request, set the following parameter:


Specifies the number of seconds during which a SiteMinder session (SMSESSION) cookie will not be regenerated. Cookies are not regenerated when all of the following conditions are met:

Default: 30

To modify the session grace period

  1. Change the value of the SessionGracePeriod parameter.
  2. If you increased the setting for the SessionGracePeriod parameter in Step 1, use the Administrative UI to ensure both of the following values in all of your realms do not exceed the value of the SessionGracePeriod parameter:

    The session grace period is changed.

    Note: Session timeouts are part of configuring a realm, which you do using the Administrative UI. For further instructions on configuring session timeouts, see the Policy Server documentation.

Modify the Session Update Period

You can specify how often the Web Agent redirects a request to the Cookie Provider to set a new cookie with the following parameter:


Specifies how often (in seconds) a Web Agent redirects a request to the Cookie Provider to set a new cookie. Refreshing the master cookie decreases the possibility that it will expire due to an idle time-out of the SiteMinder session.

Default: 60

To modify the session update period

  1. Make sure the CookieProvider parameter is defined.
  2. Change the number of seconds in the SessionUpdatePeriod parameter to reflect the interval you want.

    The session update period is changed.

Protect Session Cookies from Misuse with Validation Periods and Expired Cookie URLs

SiteMinder uses time-based session cookie parameters that can substantially reduce the possibility of a SiteMinder session cookie being compromised by administrators or other users who have access to the following items:

These time-based session cookie parameters add the concept of "born dates" to session cookies. Agents receiving a session cookie as a result of a redirect (URL session cookie) will look for the cookie born date name/value pair and compare this value with the value set for the CookieValidationPeriod configuration parameter. If the value of the born date and the CookieValidationPeriod parameter value exceed the current time, the cookie is rejected.

To protect session cookies from misuse, set the following parameters:


Specifies the time period (in seconds) in which the receiving agent will accept the session cookie. After this time passes, the session cookie will not be accepted. If this field is not used or is set to zero, the session cookie expires when the Idle Timeout and Max Session Timeout values are met.

Default: Empty.


(Optional) Specifies a URL that the agent redirects the user to after any session cookie has expired. If neither the born date nor the CookieValidationPeriod are configured, the agent ignores the settings and processes the cookie as usual (backwards compatibility).

Prevent Session Cookie Creation or Updates

Some Web applications, such as Microsoft Outlook Web Access, make HTTP requests behind the scenes even when a user is not actively using the application. For example, the Web Access application makes HTTP requests even when the user is not actively checking for new email on the server.

These requests may update the SMSESSION cookie so that the session never expires, even though the user has been idle. You can prevent the Web Agent from creating or updating session cookies during these background requests so that sessions expire normally.

Configure the following parameters:


Specifies whether the Web Agent compares the request method of all HTTP requests against the methods listed in this parameter. If a match occurs, the Web Agent does not create or update an SMSESSION cookie. Also, cookie providers (if configured) are not updated for that request.

Default: No default


Specifies whether the Web Agent compares the URLs from all HTTP requests against the URLs listed in this parameter. If a match occurs, the Web Agent does not create or update an SMSESSION cookie. Also, cookie providers (if configured) are not updated for that request.

Default: No default

Example: Use a relative URL, such as /MyDocuments/index.html. Do not use an absolute URL (

Note: If you configure both of the previous parameters, the methods are processed before the URLs.


If enabled, the Web Agent does not create cookies for any of the URLs under the directory that is specified in OverlookSessionForUrls.

Default: No

Values: Yes, No

Example: If you specify /siteminder in OverlookSessionForUrls and if you set OverlookSessionAsPattern to Yes, then cookies are not generated for any /siteminder/* requests.

Prevent Session Cookie Creation or Updates Based on Method and URI

Some Web applications, such as Microsoft Outlook Web Access, make HTTP requests behind the scenes even when a user is not actively using the application. For example, the Web Access application makes HTTP requests even when the user is not actively checking for new email on the server.

These requests update the SMSESSION cookie so that the session never expires, even though the user has been idle. You can prevent the Web Agent from creating or updating session cookies during these background requests so that sessions expire typically.

To prevent creation or updates based on method and URI

  1. Set all the following parameters:

    Specifies whether the Web Agent compares the request method of all HTTP requests against the methods listed in this parameter. If a match occurs, the Web Agent does not create or update an SMSESSION cookie. Also, cookie providers (if configured) are not updated for that request.

    Default: No default


    Specifies whether the Web Agent compares the method and the URI from all HTTP requests against the method and URI listed in this parameter. If a match occurs, the Web Agent does not create or update an SMSESSION cookie. Cookie providers (if configured) are not updated for that request.

    Default: No default.

    Limits: Specify a relative URI. Do not add spaces between the comma and the URL.

    Example: POST,/directory/file prevents updates to the SMSESSION cookie for POST requests to /directory/resource.

    Note: Methods are processed before URIs.

Store Session Cookies on the Session Store for Improved Security

Session cookies are stored on the client computer of the end user. You can increase the security of your environment by having SiteMinder create session cookies that are stored in the SiteMinder session store. Storing session cookies in the SiteMinder session store prevents anyone with access to the following items from copying a session cookie from a client computer and then attempting a replay attack:

You can control where SiteMinder stores its session cookies by setting the following parameter:


Specifies whether session cookies are stored on the client computer, or in the SiteMinder session store. When the value of the StoreSessioninServer parameter is yes, a session cookie is created and stored on the session store. Cookie providers and Web Agents access the cookie from the session store.

Cookie providers and Web Agents replace the session cookie in a URL with a GUID that corresponds to the session cookie stored on the session store.

When the value of the StoreSessioninServer parameter is no, the session cookie is passed directly in the URL.

Default: No

Follow these steps:

  1. Verify that your environment meets the following conditions:
  2. In your Web Agents and cookie provider, set the value of the StoreSessioninServer parameter to yes.

Validate a Session Cookie Domain

You can reduce the risk that unauthorized users may hijack and attempt to reuse SiteMinder session cookies by having SiteMinder validate the domain of a session cookie with the following parameter:


Instructs the Web Agent to encrypt and store the intended domain of a session cookie within the session cookie itself. During subsequent requests, the Web Agent compares the intended domain stored within the session cookie against the domain of the requested resource. If the domains do not match, the Web Agent rejects the request.

For example, when the value of this parameter is set to yes, session cookies intended for are rejected when presented at

In SiteMinder environments using SSO, set this parameter on the Web Agent that creates the encrypted session cookie. For example, suppose your SSO environment has domains named and If the Web Agent protecting encrypts the session cookie, set the value of the TrackSessionDomain parameter of the associated Web Agent. When the Web Agent protecting receives the cookie, it compares the intended domain stored in the cookie against the domain of the requested resource.

Default: No

To have SiteMinder validate the domain of a session cookie, set the value of the TrackSessionDomain parameter to yes.