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Sample User Directories

SiteMinder does not require the use of a proprietary user store. However, SiteMinder does provide schema files that populate a relational database with sample users.

Configure an IBM DB2 Sample User Directory

You configure a sample user directory to populate a database with sample users.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Policy Server host system.
  2. Navigate to siteminder_home\db\tier2\DB2.

    Specifies the Policy Server installation path.

  3. Open the following file and copy the contents to a text editor:


  4. Paste the contents into a query and execute the query.

    Note: For more information about executing a query, see the IBM documentation.

    The user directory is populated with the sample users.

  5. Configure the user directory connection to the Policy Server.

Note: For more information about configuring user directory connections, see the Policy Server Configuration Guide.

Configure a MySQL Sample User Directory

You configure a sample user directory to populate a database with sample users.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Policy Server host system.
  2. Navigate to the following location:

    Specifies the Policy Server installation path.

  3. Open the following file in a text editor:
  4. Locate the following lines:
    DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `databaseName`.`getdate` $$
    CREATE FUNCTION `databaseName`.`getdate` () RETURNS DATE
  5. Replace each instance of 'databaseName' with the name of the database functioning as the sample user store.
  6. Copy the contents of the entire file.
  7. Paste the file contents into a query and execute the query.

    Note: For more information about executing a query, see the MySQL documentation.

    The user store is populated with the sample users.

  8. Configure the user directory connection to the Policy Server.

Note: For more information about configuring user directory connections, see the Policy Server Configuration Guide.

Configure an Oracle Sample User Directory

You configure a sample user directory to populate a database with sample users.

To configure the sample user directory

  1. Log into Oracle with sqlplus or some other Oracle utility as the user who administers the Policy Server database information.

    Note: We recommend that you do not create SiteMinder schema with the SYS or SYSTEM users. If necessary, create an Oracle user, such as SMOWNER, and create the schema with that user.

  2. Import the following script:


    Note: Environment variables may not function in Oracle's SQL utility. If you experience problems importing the script using the utility, specify an explicit path.

    The user directory is populated with the sample users.

  3. Configure the user directory connection to the Policy Server.

Note: More information on configuring user directory connections exists in the Policy Server Configuration Guide.

Configure a SQL Server Sample User Directory

You configure a sample user directory to populate a database with sample users.

To configure the sample user directory

  1. Open smsampleusers_sqlserver.sql in a text editor and copy the contents of the entire file.
  2. Start the Query Analyzer and log in as the user who administers the Policy Server database.
  3. Select the database instance from the database list.
  4. Paste the schema from smsampleusers_sqlserver.sql into the query.
  5. Execute the query.

    The user directory is populated with the sample users.

  6. Configure the user directory connection to the Policy Server.

Note: For more information about configuring user directory connections, see the Policy Server Configuration Guide.