Installation and Upgrade Guides › Policy Server Installation Guide › Configuring SiteMinder Data Stores in a Relational Database › Configure an IBM DB2 Policy Store
Configure an IBM DB2 Policy Store
A single IBM DB2 database can function as a:
Using a single database simplifies administrative tasks. The following sections provide instruction on how to configure a single database server to store SiteMinder data.
Gather Database Information
Configuring a single IBM DB2 database to function as a policy store or any other type of SiteMinder data store requires specific database information.
Consider the following items:
- Information that is prefixed with a W represents a Windows requirement.
- Information that is prefixed with a U represents a UNIX requirement.
Gather the following information before configuring the policy store or any other type of SiteMinder data store. You can use the IBM DB2 Information Worksheet to record your values.
- Database instance name —Determine the name of the database instance that is to function as the policy store or data store.
- Administrative account —Determine the user name of an account with privileges to create, read, modify, and delete objects in the database.
- Administrative password —Determine the password for the Administrative account.
- IP address—Determine the IP address of the database host system.
- Tcp port—Determine the port on which the database is listening.
- (W) Data source name —Determine the name that is to identify the data source.
- (U) Policy Server root —Determine the explicit path to where the Policy Server is installed.
- (U) Package —Determine the name of the package that is to process dynamic SQL.
- (U) Package owner—Determine the AuthID assigned to the package. The AuthID must have the authority to execute all SQLs in the package.
- (U) Grant AuthID—If you want to restrict execute privileges for the package, determine the AuthID that is granted execute permissions for the package.
Default wire protocol setting: Public
- (U) Isolation level—Determine the method by which the system acquires and releases locks.
Default wire protocol setting: CURSOR_STABILTY
- (U) Dynamic sections—Determine the number of sections that the wire protocol driver package can prepare for a single user.
Default wire protocol setting: 100
More information:
SQL Server Information Worksheet
How to Configure the Policy Store
Complete the following procedures to configure a single IBM DB2 database as a policy store, key store, and logging database.
Note: Be sure that you have gathered the required database information before beginning. Some of the following procedures require this information.
- Be sure that the IBM DB2 database instance that is to contain the SiteMinder data is accessible from the Policy Server system.
- Verify the following database instance settings:
- If you are configuring a policy store only, the tablespace page size (page_size) and the buffer pool page size settings must each be set to at least 16k.
The default DB2 value for each setting is not sufficient for the SiteMinder policy store schema.
- If you are configuring a policy store and an audit store, the table space page size (page_size) and the buffer pool page size settings must each be set to at least 32k.
The default DB2 value for each setting is not sufficient for the SiteMinder policy store and audit store schema.
- Create the SiteMinder schema.
- Configure a DB2 data source for SiteMinder.
- Point the Policy Server to the database.
- Set the SiteMinder superuser password.
- Import the policy store data definitions.
- Import the default policy store objects.
- Restart the Policy Server.
- Prepare for the Administrative UI registration.
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