You can improve the performance of SiteMinder by ignoring requests for resources that you do not want to protect. The following parameters are available:
You can reduce SiteMinder overhead by instructing the Web Agent to ignore requests for certain types of resources with the following parameter:
Specifies the types of resources for which the Web Agent passes requests to the web server without checking SiteMinder policies.The Web Agent allows access to the items specified by this parameter even if they exist in a realm that is protected by a SiteMinder policy.
Requests for resources that meet either of the following conditions may be ignored:
For example, if a URI for a requested resource is /my.dir/ the Web Agent passes the request directly to the web server.
Default: .class, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .fcc, .scc, .sfcc, .ccc, .ntc
Important! Use caution when setting the IgnoreExt parameter. There are some security issues that you may want to consider.
By default, the Agent does not ignore requests for resources that contain two or more periods separated by a slash (/). Web Agents handle requests for resources using the process shown in the following example:
Granting access to /dir1/ without consulting the web server may have caused a security breach.
To reduce overhead by ignoring the file extensions of unprotected resources, add the extensions of the resources you want to ignore to the value IgnoreExt parameter.
If a web server at your site supports several virtual servers, there may be resources on these virtual servers that you do not want to protect with the Web Agent. To simplify how the Web Agent distinguishes which portions of a web server's content it protects, use the following parameter:
Specifies the fully qualified domain names of any virtual servers that you want the web Agent to ignore. Resources on such virtual servers will be auto-authorized, and the Web Agent always grants access to them regardless of which client makes the request. The authorization decision is based on the configuration of the Web Agent instead of being based on a policy.
The list of ignored hosts is checked first before any other auto-authorization checks, such as the IgnoreExt and IgnoreURL settings. Therefore, the double-dot rule will not trigger an authorization call to the Policy Server for resources on an ignored host but would not be ignored by extension.
The host portion of the URL entries for the IgnoreHost parameter must exactly match what the Web Agent reads for the host header of the requested resource.
Note: This value is case-sensitive.
If the URL uses a specific port, then the port must specified.
For centrally-managed agents, use a multi-value parameter in the Agent Configuration Object to represent several servers. For agents configured with a local configuration file, list each host on a separate line in the file.
Example: (URL shown with port specified)
Example: (local configuration file)
Default: No default
To specify virtual servers for the Web Agent to Ignore, do either of the following tasks:
Resources using the specified URLs are ignored by the Web Agent and access to those resources is granted automatically.
The IgnoreQueryData parameter affects the way Web Agents treat URLs. If you do not want the Web Agent cache the entire URL and send the URIs with their query strings to the Policy Server for rule processing, you improve performance with the following parameter:
Specifies whether the Web Agent will cache the entire URL (including the query strings) and send the entire URI to the Policy Server for rule processing. A full URL string contains a URI, a hook (?), and some query data, as shown in the following example:
URLs that have been the subjects of requests are cached by default. Subsequent requests search the cache for a match. If requests for the same URI contain different query data, the match fails. Ignoring the query data improves performance.
When the IgnoreQueryData parameter is set to yes, the following occurs:
When the IgnoreQueryData parameter is set to no, the following occurs:
Default: No
To have the Web Agent send only URIs to the Policy Server for processing, set the value of the IgnoreQueryData parameter to yes.
Important! Do not enable this setting if you have policies which depend on URL query data.
If you have URIs that you do not want to protect with SiteMinder, you can direct the Web Agent to ignore and allow un-restricted access to those URIs by setting the following parameter:
Specifies a URI within a URL that will not be protected. Users attempting to access the resource associated with the URI will not be challenged. The Web Agent ignores the URI portion of the string after three forward slashes. For example, if you set this parameter to the following value:
The Web Agent ignores the following URI:
The Web Agent ignores the specified URI wherever it occurs, even if it is under a different domain. For example, the Web Agent ignores the URI shown previously in all of the following URLs:
Note: This value is case-sensitive.
Default: No default.
Example: (multiple URIs in local configuration file)
Example: (using a URI only, without specifying a domain)
To allow un-restricted access to URIs, do either of the following tasks:
Resources using the specified URIs are ignored by the Web Agent and access to those resources is granted automatically.
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