The UNIX system to which you are installing the Policy Server must meet the following minimum system requirements:
Note:The Red Hat 6 operating system relies on entropy for performance. Increase entropy before installing the component. Without sufficient entropy, the installation can take an exceedingly long time to complete. We recommend that you use the following command to set a symbolic link:
mv /dev/random /dev/ ln -s /dev/urandom /dev/random
Note: We recommend 2 GB of RAM for Policy Server processing. We recommend at least 4 GB of RAM be available to the Policy Server host system for additional processing.
Note: Typically, 10 MB of free disk space in /tmp is required for the daily operation of the Policy Server. The Policy Server creates files and named pipes under /tmp. The path to which these files and pipes are created cannot be changed.
Note: For a list of supported CA and third-party components, refer to the SiteMinder r12.5 Platform Support Matrix on the Technical Support site.
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