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Work with Support

If you require assistance from the SiteMinder Support team, there is specific information you can gather and include when opening a Support ticket. Including as much information as possible helps to reduce the amount of time it takes the Support team to resolve the issue.

Environment Information

Gather as much of the following information as possible and include it when you open a Support ticket:

Note: You can use the SiteMinder Platform Support Matrix to verify that the issue is not related to an operating system or third–party product that SiteMinder does not support. For more information, see the SiteMinder Platform Support Matrix.

More information:

Locate the Platform Support Matrix

Log Files

Depending on the problem you are experiencing, Support may request one or more of the following log files:



Policy Server

  • The Policy Server log (smps.log)
  • The Policy Server profiler log (smtracedefault.log)
  • The audit log (smaccess.log)

Web Agent

  • The Web Agent log
  • The Web Agent trace log
  • The web server error log
  • The web server access log

WSS Agent

  • WSS Agent log
  • XML Processing Message Log
  • Web Agent trace log (WSS Agent for Web Servers only)
  • Application server or web server error log
  • Application server or web server access log

Consider the following:

Policy Server Crash

If the Policy Server has crashed, the following lists the information that helps Support probe for additional details. This information is not required to open a Support ticket, but is information that Support is likely to request. If you provide this information initially, it can reduce the amount of time it takes Support to resolve the issue.

  1. Provide environment information.
  2. Describe the problem in as much detail as possible. For example:
  3. Attach the UNIX core file or Windows dump file. If you are attaching these files, consider the following:
  4. Attach the policy store data.
  5. Attach the Policy Server log and the Policy Server audit log.
  6. Modify the Policy Server trace log output.
  7. Attach the Policy Server profiler log.

    Note: If you are attaching log files, be sure that the set of files matches. Also ensure that all the files are from the same time as when the issue occurred.

More information:

Environment Information

Log Files

Attach the Policy Store Data

Support is better able to identify the problem by examining the policy store data. Export the policy store and attach the SiteMinder data information file (smdif) to the ticket.

Note: For more information about exporting the policy store, see the Policy Server Administration Guide.

Modify the Policy Server Trace Log

Support is better able to identify the problem by examining the Policy Server trace log. If the Policy Server is crashing, you can use the Policy Server profiler to capture the problem.

Note: If the Policy Server is hung, it may not be possible to capture the problem. Instead of using the Policy Server profiler, force a core dump.

The Policy Server profiler uses a default configuration file to log Policy Server actions to a trace log. The default settings include information about components and data:

SiteMinder Support uses component and data settings that are not included in the default configuration file to begin the troubleshooting process. Modify the default settings before submitting the Policy Server trace log.

Note: For more information about configuring the Policy Server profiler, see the Policy Server Administration Guide.

Example: Modified Components

Modify the default trace configuration to include the following components:

Example: Modified Data Types

Modify the default trace configuration to include the following data types.

Important! The order in which the data types are listed determine the order in which the data is logged. Be sure that the data types are listed in the following order.

Agent Crash

If an agent has crashed, the following lists the information that helps Support probe for more details. This information is not required to open a Support ticket, but is information that Support is likely to request. If you provide this information initially, it can reduce the amount of time it takes Support to resolve the issue.

  1. Gather environment information.
  2. Describe the problem in as much detail as possible. For example:
  3. Attach the UNIX core file or Windows dump file. If you are attaching these files, consider the following items:
  4. Attach the agent log and the web or application server error log.

    Note: If you are attaching log files, be sure that the set of files matches. Also ensure that all the files are from the same time as when the issue occurred.

  5. Attach a tar or zip of the web server binary directory.

    Note: This step does not apply to agents running on an IIS web server.

  6. For Web Agents or WSS Agents for Web Servers, attach the Web Agent trace log and the web server access log.

More information:

Environment Information

Log Files

Resource Leaks

If a system resource, such as memory, file handles, network connections, sockets, or disk space, is not being released, the following lists the information that helps Support probe for additional details. This information is not required to open a Support ticket, but is information that Support is likely to request. If you provide this information initially, it can reduce the amount of time it takes Support to resolve the issue.

  1. Gather environment information.
  2. Describe the problem in as much detail as possible. Include at least the following:
  3. Attach logs:

    Note: If you are attaching log files, be sure that the set of files matches. Also ensure that all the files are from the same time as when the issue occurred.

More information:

Environment Information

Log Files

Functional Issues

A functional issue is defined as an issue where SiteMinder is not performing as detailed by the documentation. If you are experiencing a functional issue, the following lists the information that helps Support probe for additional details. This information is not required to open a Support ticket, but is information that Support is likely to request. If you provide this information initially, it can reduce the amount of time it takes Support to resolve the issue.

  1. Gather environment information.
  2. Describe the problem in as much detail as possible, including the steps to reproduce the issue.
  3. Attach logs:

    Note: If you are attaching log files, be sure that the set of files matches. Also ensure that all the files are from the same time as when the issue occurred.

  4. Export the policy store to a SiteMinder data information file (smdif) and attach the file.

    Note: For more information about exporting the policy store, see the Policy Server Administration Guide.

  5. Attach logs:

More information:

Environment Information

Log Files

Random Issues

A random issue is defined as an issue that occurs sporadically, and although functional in nature, does not have a pattern that can be reproduced. If you are experiencing a random issue, the following lists the information that helps Support probe for additional details. This information is not required to open a Support ticket, but is information that Support is likely to request. If you provide this information initially, it can reduce the amount of time it takes Support to resolve the issue.

  1. Gather environment information.
  2. Describe the problem in as much detail as possible. For example:
  3. Attach logs:

    Note: If you are attaching log files, be sure that the set of files matches. Also ensure that all the files are from the same time as when the issue occurred.

More information:

Environment Information

Log Files