Previous Topic: Multiple Data CentersNext Topic: Authentication and a Centralized Login Server

Best Practices

Consider the following when configuring data centers:

Architectural Considerations

Consider the following architectural factors when planning for a SiteMinder data center:

Example: Local Host Files Pointing Policy Servers to the Local Consumer User Store

Two geographically separated data centers include Policy Servers pointing to a consumer user store named myusers.

To point Policy Server to the local consumer

  1. From the Policy Server host systems in data center one, use a local host file to map myusers to
  2. From the Policy Server host systems in data center two, use a local host file to map myusers to

Multiple Data Center Use Cases

The purpose of the following use cases is to get you thinking about your SiteMinder data centers in terms of network latency and resiliency. The use cases begin with a simple deployment and progress into more complex scenarios.

These use cases are intended to identify techniques that you can use as part of a global architecture and are not intended as a final architecture. Extrapolate the necessary infrastructure from these cases to configure data centers that best meet the needs of your organization.

All Components in One Data Center

The simplest deployment includes all required SiteMinder components in a single data center.

The following diagram illustrates:

Consider the following:

More information:

Redundancy and High Availability

All Components in Multiple Data Centers

You extend the SiteMinder environment by deploying multiple data centers. The following factors can influence your decision to implement multiple data centers:

The following diagram illustrates applications in multiple data centers:

More information:

Policy Server to Policy Store Communication

All Components in One Data Center

SiteMinder Agent Communicating Across a Data Center

If all components cannot be in the same data center, we recommend collocating Policy Servers and user stores in the same data center.

The following diagram illustrates applications in multiple data centers:

More information:

Policy Server to Policy Store Communication

Policy Server Communicating Across a Data Center

If all components cannot be in the same data center, we recommend collocating Policy Servers and user stores in the same data center.

The following diagram illustrates applications in multiple data centers:

More information:

Policy Server to Policy Store Communication

Master Policy Store

All Components in One Data Center

Login Server Controlling User Store Writes

The location of LDAP writable masters can constrain a SiteMinder deployment. To eliminate requirements for writable masters in each data center, consider using one or more centralized login servers.

The following diagram illustrates a multiple data center deployment:

When a user requests access to a protected URL in data center one:

  1. The agent redirects the request to the login server in data center two. The redirect is based on the authentication scheme that is protecting the resource.

    Note: For more information about authentication schemes, see the Policy Server Configuration Guide.

  2. The Policy Server in data center two authenticates the user and writes to the master user store.
  3. The Policy Server creates a SiteMinder session ticket and passes it back to the original protected URL.

    Note: For more information about user sessions, see the Policy Server Configuration Guide.

  4. The agent places the SiteMinder session ticket into a cookie. The agent uses the cookie to handle subsequent authentication and authorization requests in the data center, until one of the following occurs: