Retrieves a target configuration setting from a SAML 1.x authentication scheme.
The Sm_PolicyApi_GetTargetConfigFromSAML1xScheme function has the following syntax:
int SM_EXTERN Sm_PolicyApi_GetTargetConfigFromSAML1xScheme( void* pHandle, const char* pszSchemeOid, char** pszDefaultTarget, int* iQPOverridesTarget );
The Sm_PolicyApi_GetTargetConfigFromSAML1xScheme function accepts the following parameters:
[in] A pointer to an internal Policy Management API data structure. The structure holds information about the administrator session and the client session.
[in] A null-terminated string containing the object identifier of the authentication scheme being updated.
[out] Specifies the target configuration. The calling program must free up this memory by calling the Sm_PolicyApi_FreeMemory() function.
[out] Specifies the value of the 'Query parameter override Default Target' check box. The calling program is responsible for passing allocated memory.
Return Values
The Sm_PolicyApi_GetTargetConfigFromSAML1xScheme function returns one of the following values:
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