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Federation Settings in the server.conf File

The federation settings in the server.conf file enable the SPS to act as a federation gateway within a SiteMinder federation network.

The code excerpt that follows is the <federation> section on the server.conf file:

# Provide the values for the Federation related parameters here
# enablefederationgateway - "yes" or "no" - Enable or Disable SPS Federation Gateway
# fedrootcontext - Name of the Federation root context ("affwebservices" by default)
# authurlcontext - Path of the Authentication URL (without the jsp file name)
  (siteminderagent/redirectjsp by default)
# protectedbackchannelservices - Names of protected Backchannel services

authurlcontext="siteminderagent/redirectjsp"	protectedbackchannelservices="saml2artifactresolution,saml2certartifactresolution,

The federation parameters are as follows:


Enables the SPS to act as a federation gateway proxy server.

Limits: yes or no

This parameter is set during the installation.


Specifies the root context of the federation web services application. Do not change this parameter.

Default: affwebservices


Specifies the alias to the redirect.jsp file. When a user requests a protected federation resource and they do not have a SiteMinder session at the site that produces assertions, the user is sent to this URL which points to a redirect.jsp file. The user is redirected to the Web Agent at the producing site where they are presented with an authentication challenge and upon successfully logging in, establish a session.

Default: siteminderagent/redirectjsp.


Lists the services that require a secure back channel for communication.

More information:

Using the SPS with Federation Security Services