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Logging Settings in the server.conf File

The <Server> element allows you to specify the logging settings for the SPS. The logging defined in this section focuses on the startup and shutdown of the SPS. The logging configuration is done in the Web Agent configuration file (webagent.conf or localconfig.conf) or the Agent Configuration Object configured at the Policy Server.

The logging section has the following format:

# Logging for the server
# 1 - FATAL
# 2 - ERROR
# 3 - INFO
# 4 - DEBUG
# Note: If logfilename is specified as a relative file, it
# will be relative to proxy-engine/


Sets the log level of the SPS server log. The higher the log level, the greater the detail of information that is recorded in the SPS log.

The log levels are as follows:


Indicates the least amount of detail in the log. Only fatal errors are recorded at log level 1.


Reports any error messages. Any errors that occur during processing are recorded at log level 2.


Indicates that warnings and other informational messages are recorded in the log.


Indicates debugging.


Specifies that the log file is written to the console window.


Specifies that the log information is written to a file. Set the parameter to yes to write the file to the location specified in the logfilename parameter. Set it to no if you do not want to write the log to a file.


Indicates that the log information is appended to a log file when the SPS starts. Set this parameter to yes to append data to an existing log file when the SPS restarts. Set this parameter to no if you do not want to append data.


Defines the path and filename of the SPS log file. The \\logs\\ portion indicates that the logs appear in the default location sps_home\proxy-engine\logs.