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Web Agent Settings for the Default Virtual Host

The server.conf file includes a <WebAgent> section for the <VirtuallHostDefaults>. The sminitfile directive specifies the configuration file, WebAgent.conf for the default web agent. If local configuration is allowed, the WebAgent.conf file points to a local configuration file, LocalConfig.config.

If you create more than one virtual host, you can use the default Web Agent when you do not intend to use alternate settings in the Web Agent configuration file. If you plan to set any directive differently, for example, to specify a different log level, use a different Web Agent for the new virtual host.

To configure a new Web Agent for a new virtual host

  1. Create a directory with the name of the new virtual host, for example, serverb.
  2. Copy the contents of the directory for the default virtual host into the new directory.

    Run smreghost if the new Web Agent points to a different SiteMinder installation.
    Note: If the Web Agent configuration objects for both virtual hosts point to the same SiteMinder installation, you do not need to run smreghost. You can use the same smhost file for both the Web Agents.

  3. Use a text editor to modify WebAgent.conf to reflect the new agent configuration object. Verify that the Web Agents have different log files.
  4. Open the WebAgent.conf file and add the following required directive with a unique value.



    Specifies is the fully qualified path to the WebAgent.conf file you are editing

    • For Windows, this value must be a unique alphanumeric string. The backslash '\' character is not permitted in this string.
    • For UNIX, this value must be the fully qualified path to the WebAgent.conf file you are editing.
  5. Access the Agent Configuration Object at the Policy Server that corresponds to the first host configuration object in the server.conf file. Verify the Agent cache settings for MaxResoureceCacheSize and MaxSessionCacheSize and also that the cache limits take into account all Agent Configuration Objects.

Note: For detailed information about the Web Agent settings, see the CA SiteMinder Web Agent Guide.