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Session Scheme Mapping for the Default Virtual Host

Session scheme mappings associate session schemes with user agent types. The user agent types defined in <UserAgent> elements of the server.conf file must be mapped to session schemes defined in the <SessionScheme> elements.

The format of the session scheme mapping associated with user agents is as follows:

#    user_agent_name=session_scheme_name

The directive in this section is:


Associates a user agent with a session scheme. To set the values:


Specifies a name defined in a <UserAgent> section of the file


Specifies a scheme defined in a SessionScheme element.


User Agents named browser, phone1, and phone2 have been defined and mapped to any of the session schemes defined in the file. For this example, browser is mapped to the default session scheme, phone1 is mapped to the simple_url scheme, and phone2 is mapped to the minicookie session scheme.

The resulting <SessionSchemeMappings> element appears as follows:

# Session Scheme Maps