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Service Dispatcher Settings in the server.conf File

The <ServiceDispatcher> section determines how the SPS provide proxy services. It also specifies the location of the proxy rules XML configuration file.

Note: This parameter is a global server configuration parameter and is not configured for each individual virtual host.

The <ServiceDispatcher> section is listed following.

# Service Dispatcher
# This is new since proxy 6.0
# Service Dispatcher is now a global server configuration parameter and is no longer
# configured on a per virtual host basis.
class="com.netegrity.proxy.service.SmProxyRules" rules_file=
"C:\Program Files\CA\secure-proxy\proxy-engine\conf\proxyrules.xml"

The parameters in this section are:


Specifies the service dispatcher used by the SPS to route user requests. Do not change the default value.

Default: com.netegrity.proxy.service.SmProxyRules


Specifies the location of the proxyrules.xml. file

Default: sps_home/secure-proxy/proxy-engine/conf/proxyrules.xml