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Session Store Settings in the server.conf File

The <SessionStore> section of the server.conf file specifies settings for storing user sessions. The session store configuration has the following format:

# Session Store Information

The SessionStore parameters are:


Indicates the implementation used to maintain user session. Do not modify this value.

Default: com.netegrity.proxy.session.SimpleSessionStore


Specifies the maximum size of the session store. The number specified is the maximum number of concurrent sessions in the in-memory session store.

Default: 10000


Sets the interval, in seconds, that the SPS waits before cleaning out expired sessions residing in the session store cache.

Note: A long session timeout can decrease the number of session cookies of encrypted and decrypted by the server, but can increase the total number of sessions maintained in cache. If there are users who connect infrequently, specify a shorter cache time and smaller cache size. However, if there are many users who return to your site frequently, use a longer cache time and larger cache size.