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Establish a Proxy Rules Configuration File

The proxy rules configuration file is an XML configuration that is identified by the rules_file directive of the <ServiceDispatcher> element in the server.conf file. The rules_file directive indicates the relative path from the installation directory to the proxy rules configuration file. At installation, the relative path to the default proxy rules configuration file is generated automatically and inserted into the rules_file directive for the default virtual host.

The generated path and proxy rules file name is the following:


Changes to the proxy rules configuration file do not require a server restart to take affect; the SPS detects when changes are made to the file and loads the new proxy rules file.

If the SPS detects an error in the proxy rules when parsing the rules, the SPS records an error in the server log, ignores the changes, and uses the existing proxy rules. The server log file location is specified in the server.conf file.

More information:

General Server Settings in the server.conf File

Service Dispatcher Settings in the server.conf File