Configuring › How to Configure CA IT PAM Workflow Integration › CA IT PAM User Administration
CA IT PAM User Administration
Both CA IT PAM and CA Service Desk Manager, as stand-alone products, have individual requirements for authentication and authorization. To support a unified Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) strategy, you can configure both products to use CA EEM for authentication.
When you install CA IT PAM with CA EEM as the authentication server, the installer creates several policies and four essential entities by default:
- Two application users: itpamadmin, itpamuser
- Two application groups: ITPAMAdmins, ITPAMUsers
CA Service Desk Manager users who also use CA IT PAM can be divided between ITPAMAdmins and ITPAMUsers as follows:
- CA Service Desk Manager analysts must be members of ITPAMUsers when their duties entail:
- Approving, rejecting, or otherwise responding to CA IT PAM Interaction Request Forms.
- Listing CA IT PAM process instances assigned to the user.
- Viewing the graphical display by clicking the View Process button of CA IT PAM's process status screen. The CA IT PAM ITPAMUsers group requires an additional CA IT PAM policy to grant access the graphic.
- CA Service Desk Manager analysts are members of ITPAMAdmins when their duties entail:
- Creating and checking in CA IT PAM process definitions and/or start request forms.
- Terminating process instances directly within CA IT PAM. Terminating process instances are an administrative exception to expected integration procedures.
- Delegating CA IT PAM process instance tasks.
- If the user is the user name defined in CA Service Desk Manager Options Manager.
- CA Service Desk Manager users require no access to CA IT PAM when their duties entail:
- Creating requests, change orders, and issues that launch CA IT PAM instances.
- Reviewing the Workflow tab which shows CA IT PAM process instance status and task information.
- Changing the status of a request, change order, or issue which causes the termination of a CA IT PAM process (such as canceling a change order.
- Selecting a CA IT PAM process definition on a CA Service Desk Manager request area, change category, issue category.
Note: For information about CA EEM configuration, see the CA IT PAM documentation.