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CA MDB Considerations
Before you install the CA MDB, consider the following information to ensure a successful implementation:
- AIX—On some AIX computers, the maximum allowable space of the ARG/ENV list is too small to install the CA MDB. In this situation, issue the lsattr -lsys0 -ancargs -Fvalue command to find the current setting for the maximum size of the ARG/ENV list. If the value returned is less than 50, increase the size with the following command: chdev -l sys0 -a ncargs=50
- Oracle—Consider the following information:
- Remote Clients (UNIX and Linux)—When the CA MDB is created from a remote client, the CA MDB creation process ends with a return code 95 and an error message Failed to create the table space in the installation log unless the directory specified in the tablespace path exists on both the client computer and the Oracle server.
- CA MDB Component Installation (SQL)—The CA MDB component installer interface displays a Database Server Name field. This field identifies the local server name or cluster node name, if clustered. Use the network name that is used to connect to SQL Server.
- Special Characters (UNIX, Linux, and Windows)—Consider the following information:
- (UNIX and Linux) The userid name of the database administrator used to create the CA MDB cannot include special characters. In addition, the following restrictions apply:
- The DBA User and tablespace names support the # and _ special characters. All other special characters are not supported.
- The DBA Password and MDBADMIN password support the ~, #, %, ^, -, +, _, {, }, [, ], :, ., and ? special characters. All other special characters are not supported.
- The Oracle Tablespace path, MDB Target Directory, MDB Source Directory, and MDB Patch Directory DIR support the ~, %, ^, _, -, +, [, ], {, }, :, (including <space> if the path is double-quoted; however, consecutive spaces are not supported) special characters.
- (Windows) The userid name of the database administrator used to create the CA MDB cannot include special characters. In addition, the following restrictions apply:
- The DBA User and tablespace names support the #, $, and _ characters. All other special characters are not supported.
- The DBA Password and MDBADMIN password support the ~, !, #, $, *, (), _, +, `, -, {}, [], \, :, ', ?, ., /, and @ special characters. All other special characters are not supported.
- The Oracle Tablespace path, MDB Target Directory, MDB Source Directory, and MDB Patch Directory support the ~, !, #, $, (), _, +,`, -, {}, and [] (including <space> if the path is double quoted) special characters.
- Tablespaces—Consider the following information:
- The CA MDB uses the system temp tablespace to store temporary tables. At least 50 MB of space should be available for this purpose. If you decide to use existing tablespaces for the CA MDB, then the tablespaces require a minimum of 200 MB of available disk space. If this amount of space is not available, the creation of the CA MDB fails.
- If the CA MDB creation process is used to create data or index tablespace and the size parameter is non-numeric, a return code of 350 occurs and the CA MDB installation log includes an error (rc=189) that the creation process failed to create the tablespace.
- Users and Administrative Priviledges—If the CA MDB creation process occurs with a user that has no administrative privileges, the creation process does not work. The CA MDB installation log shows the error ORA-00942: table or view does not exist.
More information:
How to Install CA MDB
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