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Customize Crystal Reports

Before you can display any of these reports, the following conditions apply:

After creating any custom Crystal reports, perform the following:

  1. Copy custom Crystal reports to the following crystal directory:
  2. Add the file names of custom Crystal reports to the following configuration file:

You can then access the Crystal reports by clicking Start on the taskbar, and then choosing Reporting, Service Desk Reporting (Crystal Reports) from the CA SDM menu (accessible from the Programs menu). The Service Desk Reporting (Crystal) window appears.

Important! CA SDM clients cannot be upgraded. Therefore, if you create and use Crystal reports on the CA SDM Server and you plan to upgrade your version of CA SDM, you need to copy all custom reports to a different location so you will not lose them. Following the upgrade, copy the reports back to the $NX_ROOT/bopcfg/rpt Crystal directory and modify the crystal.config file to make them accessible from the Report Selector.