If you do not configure CA SDM during the installation, or if you manually configure the product after installation, you can use the product to configure the primary and secondary servers, the database, the web interface, and additional configuration options.
To verify that you can successfully configure the product and components on SQL Server, enable TCP/IP on the computer on which you want to perform the installation and configuration.
Important! CA SDM r12.9 does not provide tools.jar and javac for AIX. You must install tools.jar on AIX before you run the product configuration. Configuring REST Web Services and Support Automation requires the tools.jar file. To use the REST sample files, you must install javac on AIX. You can download the Java SDK for AIX from the IBM website in the IBM Developer kits section for Linux. Download the 32-bit binaries of Java SE and install JDK 1.6 SR10 on the AIX computer at any location. Copy tools.jar from the installed JDK location to <Shared Component>\JRE\1.6.0_10\lib and copy javac to \JRE\1.6.0_10\bin. You can also find the JRE location in the NX_JRE_INSTALL_DIR variable.
Note: If Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) hosts coexist on the network, verify the appropriate transition strategies, tools, and mechanisms to support these technologies are in place before you start the server configuration. For information about configuring servers, see the Administration Guide.
To configure the product components
The Configuration Wizard appears.
Note: For information about the fields that appear in the wizard, see the Server Configuration Online Help.
A default value that works for the TCP service number on most installations is displayed the first-time you run the configuration. To determine the TCP service number at your installation, open a telnet session from your Windows workstation to the server:
ypcat services | grep slump.
The output includes a line similar to the following:
slump nnnn/tcp #This is required for slump to work!
grep slump /etc/services.
The output includes a line similar to the following:
#slump nnnn/tcp
Enter the number nnnn in the TCP Service Number field.
Note: If configuration fails during the Validate Extension Tables step, database connectivity can be an issue. Run the configuration again, and verify that you provided the correct database connectivity information. For configuring servers for advanced availability configuration, see the scenario How to Configure Servers for Advanced Availability.
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