Installing › How to Install and Configure the CA SDM and CA NSM Integration › Verify the Post-Integration Considerations
Verify the Post-Integration Considerations
Consider the following information as you make selections during the integration process:
- Before the process of “receiving a CA NSM event and creating a Request in CA SDM” can work, you must install and configure all components, and ensure that they are active.
- An event would only become lost if the event converter service has been stopped. The event converter service queues CA NSM events when the CA SDM system is down (meaning it has been paused instead of stopped from the Microsoft Windows Services Panel). When CA SDM is restarted, it processes the queued events.
- The CA NSM event converter service queues events up to a maximum specified by the NX_TNGCNV_QUEUE_SIZE environment variable.
- When the CA NSM repository is rebuilt after integration with CA SDM, the CA SDM menu entries are lost. To restore them, you must re-run the integration on the CA NSM Windows computer. To do this, run integAHD.exe located in installation‑directory\bin.
- If the CA NSM event converter starts during the CA NSM events generation, events that occur before the event converter is fully initialized are lost.
Verify the CA NSM Integration
Complete the following actions to verify the CA NSM integration:
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