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Change the Maximum Size for a List of Values in CA Business Intelligence

When you install CA Business Intelligence, the maximum number of values that can be returned in a batch for a list of values in the Crystal reports is automatically set to 5,000 records from the database. For performance reasons, you can change the size so that the list of values returned to the user is in several batches of this size or less.

Note: For information about improving the performance of the Web Intelligence Report Server, see your BusinessObjects documentation.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create the following registry key:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Suite 12.0\CrystalReports\DatabaseOptions\LOV

    Note: The created registry key overrides the settings of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Suite 12.0\CrystalReports\DatabaseOptions\LOV registry key.

  2. Add a string value as MaxRowsetRecords.
  3. Set the value of MaxRowsetRecords to the maximum number of values that you want for the report. For example, a value of 2000 returns up to 2000 values in the lowest level of a cascading parameter.

    Note: The value zero (Unlimited) does not work with BusinessObjects Enterprise or Crystal Reports Server. Whenever Crystal Report is accessed from InfoView it takes more time to populate the values if it is set to zero, i.e. maximum list of values..

  4. Restart the affected service or application, as required.

Note: These registry keys do not affect the List of Values returned when a report is based on a Universe.