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Display Web-Based Reports in InfoView

CA SDM uses the BusinessObjects InfoView interface to collect, organize, and present information in report formats.

Important! For all reports, you must update the Date fields to generate the reports. Other fields are optional.

Follow these steps:

  1. From the Reports tab in CA SDM, click the InfoView button.

    The InfoView home page appears.

  2. From the Header panel, select Document List.

    The Document List displays the CA SDM reports, administrative tools, samples, and so on in public folders. When you select a folder, its contents appear in the details panel. The folders that you can access on the Document List depend on the rights that are granted to you by your administrator.

    For example, to view the reports for CMDB, navigate to CA Service Desk/CMDB. The list of reports displays on the details panel.

  3. Double-click on a report.

    The report form appears. The form contains the fields for your input to generate the selected report.

  4. Enter the information relevant to generate the selected report.

    Example: If you open the CIs Added in Time Range Report you need to enter the time range within which you want to view the added CIs, the CI Tenant Names, and so on.

    Important! If you are using the Oracle database and want to generate All Change Impact Report, CIs Relationships Report, and Root Cause Analysis Report, then click Oracle (These Reports will work on Oracle Only) from the CMDB folder to access the reports. If you generate these reports from the SQL Server folder, the reports are not generated and an error message is displayed. Similarly, if you are using the SQL database and want to generate All Change Impact Report, CIs Relationships Report, and Root Cause Analysis Report, then click SQL Server (These Reports will work on SQL Server Only) from the CMDB folder to access the reports.

    Note: It is mandatory to fill all the fields to generate a report.

  5. Click OK.

    The report appears.

Note: BusinessObjects InfoView includes a User’s Guide that describes how to use BusinessObjects InfoView. To access the User’s Guide, click the help icon in InfoView.