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The following list of fields is a basic view of the contact table, but lists only group contacts. Contact type id = 2308, which is for group types. You may want to join this view with other CA SDM tables to get more meaningful data for reporting. For example, you can join it with the Location (ca_location) table to find the name and address for the group’s location. You can also join this view with the Organization (ca_organization) table to get the functional and administrative organization names for the group.




The ca_contact fields that are defined in the View_Contact_Full view definition.

The following example shows how joining tables works, and how reporting fields are extracted. The field from one table (on the right) is joined (->) with a field from another table (on the left). To join properly between tables and views, you need to understand the differences in joins for the database. The field defined in the parentheses, as follows, is what you may want to use in your reports if the previous tables are joined with the View_Group view: