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pdm_listconn--List Active Connections

The pdm_listconn utility can be used to list active connections for both clients and servers.


This command has the following format:

pdm_listconn [-c] [-s] [-s -c] [-t nn] [proc1 [proc2...]]

The default command has the following format if no parameters are specified:

pdm_listconn -s -t 2


Lists connections by client. The utility displays two lines for each client:

(n secs) client_type node|cproc
connected to alias (sproc) at time

n is the number of seconds it took for the client to respond.

client_type is "vbop," "animator daemon," or "web engine."

node is the IP address of the client’s node.

cproc is the client’s slump procname.

alias is the alias of the server the client is connected with.

sproc is the server’s slump procname.

time is the connection time.

For example:

(0 secs) vbop client|vbop-0x40120000:anthill:0
         connected to CMD40120 on anthill (domsrvr) at 02/19/1999 10:44:16


Lists connections by server (default). The utility displays two lines for each server:

(n secs) server  alias (node|sproc) willingness willingness
count connected clients (use pdm_listconn -c -s to list clients by server) 

n is the number of seconds it took for the server to respond.

node is the IP address of the server’s node.

alias is the alias of the server the client is connected with.

sproc is the server’s slump procname.

willingness is the server’s willingness to accept new clients (0 - 100).

count is the number of connected clients.

For example:

(0 secs) server CMD40120 on anthill (domsrvr) willingness 98
2 connected clients (use pdm_listconn -c -s to list clients by server)
   vbop client|vbop2 connected 02/19/1999 10:53:16
   vbop client|vbop-0x40120000:anthill:0 connected 02/19/1999 10:44:17

-s -c

Lists connections by server, including client detail for each server. The utility displays several lines for each server:

(n secs) server  alias (node|sproc) willingness willingness
count connected clients:
client_type node|cproc connected time


n is the number of seconds it took for the server to respond.

node is the IP address of the server’s node.

alias is the alias of the server the client is connected with.

sproc is the server’s slump procname.

willingness is the server’s willingness to accept new clients (0 - 100).

count is the number of connected clients.

client_type is "vbop," "animator daemon," or "web engine."

node is the IP address of the client’s node.

cproc is the client’s slump procname.

time is the connection time.

For example:

(0 secs) server CMD40120 on anthill (domsrvr) willingness 98
2 connected clients:
    vbop client|vbop2 connected 02/19/1999 10:53:16
    vbop client|vbop-0x40120000:anthill:0 connected 02/19/1999 10:44:17

-t nn

Specifies a timeout interval in seconds. Because pdm_listconn receives information from an unknown number of clients and servers, it terminates when the specified timeout interval elapses after the last message received.

Default: 2


Specifies one or more slump procnames, separated by spaces. The utility displays client or server information from them, as appropriate.

Important! On UNIX, the LIBPATH must be set before running several CA SDM utilities. Use pdm_task to set the LIBPATH before running a utility. For example, input "pdm_task pdm_clean_attachments ...".