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Database Restore

The database restore utility, pdm_restore, loads an output file from pdm_backup to the CA SDM database. The pdm_restore utility first shuts down the daemons (UNIX) or services (Windows). Then it restores, clears, and replaces all existing database records. Use the formatted ASCII file created by pdm_backup as input for the pdm_restore utility.

You can also use the pdm_restore and pdm_userload utilities to gain access to the CA SDM application in case of a catastrophic database corruption. If your database is damaged to the point where you cannot gain any access to the application and if all other measures have failed, rerun configuration and reinitialize the database to rebuild your database and populate reference data and system tables.

This procedure initializes your database in the same way that you did during the original installation. You can now access CA SDM. The pdm_restore utility can be used to restore the last backed up copy of your database.

More information:

pdm_restore--Restore a Database