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Configuration File Modification

When you install the CA SDM web interface, a sample web engine configuration file (web.cfg) is installed that you can modify to suit your needs. The web.cfg file itself contains helpful comments that you can read by viewing the file. You can open the web.cfg file from the appropriate directory:

Note: Some additional configuration variables, such as charset, are also available in Options Manager. These are accessible using the Administration tab in the web interface. For more information, see the Online Help.


Specifies whether a record can be saved when it references inactive records in a reference table.

Regardless of the setting of this flag, records already containing a reference to an inactive reference table entry can be saved without changing the reference; the flag affects only new field values.


Specifies the maximum number of announcements to display on the opening screen for both customer and analyst interfaces. CA SDM begins the display with the most recent announcement, continuing for the number of announcements specified by this parameter. Users of the analyst interface can view additional announcements by selecting Announcements from the Search menu.

Default: 10, meaning that the ten most recent announcements display.


Specifies valid priorities for tickets created by guest users. Such users can specify only one of the priorities in the AnonymousPrio list for their tickets. Entries in the list of priorities are separated by spaces. Each entry must be either a number between 1 and 5 or the word “none” (without quotes). The default priority for tickets created by guest users should be specified first, and can be repeated in the list.

The values valid for AnonymousPrio correspond to the symbolic names of the priorities as distributed. You can use the java client to customize these symbolic names; however, this does not affect the specification for AnonymousPrio, which must continue to reference priorities by their default names, where 1 corresponds to the highest priority.

Default: None, meaning that all requests created by a guest user have a priority of none.


Specifies that the web interface should auto-fill lookup fields when a user keys data into them and presses Tab to exit the field. When a user does this and the Autofill option is selected, the browser asks the server to confirm that the update is correct. This results either in the full name filling in the field (if the user provided a partial name), or a pop-up search window appearing (if the user’s selection was incorrect or ambiguous).

This property is optional. Autofill is enabled by default so if this property ID is omitted or set to Yes, tabbing out of a lookup field automatically searches the database. If this property is set to No, no auto-fill occurs, and lookup fields are not verified until the record is saved.


Specifies the path (including a leading slash) to the alias or virtual directory in your HTTP server that contains the files needed by the CA SDM web server. This property typically has a value of /CAisd in both UNIX and Windows installations. For Apache servers, it should be defined in an Alias statement in a configuration file. For IIS, it should match an Alias field in the Directory Properties Window.


Specifies the name of the CGI executable program supplied with the web interface (without the .exe suffix).

Default: pdmweb

Note: If you rename this program, you must update this property.


Specifies the name of the CGI executable program for web reports supplied with the web interface (without the .exe suffix).

Default: pdm_cgireport

Note: If you rename this program, you must update this property.


Specifies whether the contact’s name should be inserted into the description of new issues and requests created in the customer and employee interfaces. If this property is omitted or specified as 0, no automatic information is added to the description of new issues and requests. If this property is specified as 1, the contact’s name is automatically inserted into the description of issues and requests created in the customer and employee interfaces. This property has no effect on the analyst interface.


Specifies whether the contact’s IP address should be inserted into the description of new issues and requests created in the customer and employee interfaces. If this property is omitted or specified as 0, no IP address information is added to the description of new issues and requests. If this property and the ContactAutoDesc property are both specified as 1, the contact’s name and IP address are automatically inserted into the description of issues and requests created in the customer and employee interfaces. This property has no effect on the analyst interface. It is ignored unless ContactAutoDesc is 1.


Valid priorities for issues created with the customer web interface. Users of the customer interface can only specify one of the priorities in the CstPrio list for their issues and cannot update the priority of an issue if an analyst has altered it to a value that is not in the list.

Entries in the list of priorities are separated by spaces. Each entry must be either a number between 1 and 5 or the word “none” (without quotes). The default priority for issues created with the customer interface should be specified first (and can be repeated in the list).

Default: none, 3, 4, 5

The values valid for CstPrio correspond to the symbolic names of the priorities as distributed. You can use the java client to customize these symbolic names; however, this does not affect the specification for CstPrio, which must continue to reference priorities by their default names, where 1 corresponds to the highest priority.


Defines the order of elements in dates.

Default: MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm a(am,pm)




Print 1 or 2 digits of month


Print 2 digits of month


Print 1 or 2 digits of date


Print 2 digits of date


Print 2 digits of year


Print 4 digits of year


Print 1 or 2 digits of hours on 24 hour clock


Print 2 digits of hours on 24 hour clock


Print 1 or 2 digits of hours on 12 hour clock


Print 2 digits of hours on 12 hour clock


Print 1 or 2 digits of minutes


Print 2 digits of minutes


Print 1 or 2 digits of seconds


Print 2 digits of seconds

a(am, pm)

Print am and pm as a string


Specifies the same definition as DateFormat, but without specifying the time portion.


Enables the standard browser right-click menu on CA SDM forms. When this property is not set, you can right-click a form to display a CA SDM menu. You should use caution when setting this property, because some of the options on the standard browser right-click menu can cause execution errors (this is the reason why it is usually disabled). On Internet Explorer, you can display the standard browser right-click menu although the DebugSource property is not set by pressing the Ctrl key when you right-click.


Causes the web engine to write trace information to the stdlog file.

Important! This property should not be set for typical use. It should only be used when requested by CA Support.


Valid priorities for requests created with the employee web interface. Users of the employee interface can only specify one of the priorities in the EmpPrio list for their requests and cannot update the priority of a request if an analyst has altered it to a value not in the list.

Entries in the list of priorities are separated by spaces. Each entry must be either a number between 1 and 5 or the word “none” (without quotes). The default priority for requests created with the employee interface should be specified first (and can be repeated in the list).

Default: none, 3, 4, 5

The values valid for EmpPrio correspond to the symbolic names of the priorities as distributed. You can use the java client to customize these symbolic names; however, this does not affect the specification for EmpPrio, which must continue to reference priorities by their default names, where 1 corresponds to the highest priority.


Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a user is given an exclusive lock on a record after clicking Edit. After this period elapses, the web engine releases the lock, allowing other users to update the record. The web engine attempts to retake the lock if a user asks to save after ExclLockSeconds has expired. This attempt succeeds only if no other user has updated the record while the lock was available. If the attempt to retake the lock fails, the user must re-enter the updates.

Default: 120 (two minutes)

This argument is optional. If omitted, the default value is assumed.

Note: The ExclLockSeconds setting must be shorter than the Timeout setting. ExclLockSeconds is specified in seconds and Timeout is specified in minutes.


Specifies the maximum number of forms to be retained in web engine memory for each user. The web engine always retains the last FormCacheMax forms used by each user. Forms beyond this number are eligible to be timed out. Timed out forms cannot be accessed by the Back or Forward buttons on the main page, and can no longer be submitted on a pop-up form.

Default: 10

Timed out forms save memory in the web engine, but they occasionally require users to manually refresh them. You can set FormCacheMax to –1 to disable the FormTimeout feature.


Specifies the minimum number of seconds that a form is retained in the web engine before it is eligible for removal from the cache. Users always have at least the number of seconds specified in this parameter to work on a form before submitting it. In addition, the web engine always retains the most recently used FormCacheMax forms for each user.

You can use the StayCacheList property to prevent specified forms from timing out.

Default: 180 (3 minutes)


Specifies a string to be included in the title bar of a web browser displaying a CA SDM web form. The value of FormTitle supplements the title of the specific form displayed.

Default: CA SDM

For example, if the default value is retained, and Microsoft Internet Explorer is used to display the Announcement Detail form, the title bar displays the following:

Announcement Detail—CA SDM—Microsoft Internet Explorer

This property is optional. If omitted, the analyst web interface does not use a constant value in the title. The customer and PDA web interfaces revert to the default value.


Specifies the full path to a file that receives a log of all web pages used. One line is written to this file each time a user requests a page. The file can grow indefinitely, so be cautious when specifying this property.

Note: Records containing a time stamp, user ID, database record ID, and HTMPL form name are appended to this file. The format of the records may change. You must periodically maintain this file so that it does not get too large.

This property is optional. If omitted, no hit tracking file is written.


Specifies the size of the HTMPL cache. When this size is exceeded, the least used form is removed from the cache.

Default: 1000.


Specifies the maximum number of records that can be displayed in a list before a request to display the entire list produces a pop-up warning message advising the user that the request adversely impacts performance and is not allowed.

Default: 2500


Specifies the maximum number of records that can be displayed in a list before a request to display the entire list produces a pop-up warning message advising the user that the request may adversely impact performance, and asking for confirmation.

Default: 1000


Specifies the maximum number of records that can be displayed in a list before a request to scroll to the bottom produces a pop-up warning message advising the user that the request adversely impacts performance and is not allowed.

Default: 2500


Specifies the maximum number of records that can be displayed in a list before a request to scroll to the bottom produces a pop-up warning message advising the user that the request may adversely impact performance, and asking for confirmation.

Default: 1000


Specifies the maximum number of found records to be shown on a list page after performing a search.

Default: 10


Specifies the complete URL of a web page to be displayed after a user logs out of CA SDM. This property is optional. If it is not specified, logging out returns the login form.


Specifies the log reader refresh interval in seconds. If this property is non-zero, the Notification Log Reader automatically refreshes itself at the specified interval (with a minimum of thirty seconds).

This property is optional. If omitted, the log reader refreshes itself every 5 minutes (a default value of 300 seconds). If this property is specified as zero, the log reader does not automatically refresh at all.


Specifies a list of directory paths that the web engine searches to find files requested by the PDM_MACRO tag. You can specify multiple directories separated by spaces. You can include environment variables in the directory names by prefixing them with a dollar sign (for example, $NX_ROOT). For both Windows and UNIX, separate path components with a forward slash (/), not a backslash (\). This property is required. It is typically set as follows:

$NX_ROOT/site/mods/macro $NX_ROOT/bopcfg/www/macro

Specifies the text of the message to display under a field when a user’s key for a lookup field is ambiguous and the edit form must be redisplayed with a drop-down select list. This property is optional; if omitted, it defaults to Multiple Matches.