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Attribute Aliases

Attribute aliases are additional attributes in CA SDM objects that reference data from joined tables using Majic dotted join syntax (where the syntax srelname.attrname is a reference to attribute attrname in the table referenced by foreign key srelname. A large number of predefined attribute aliases are provided with CA SDM Release 12.9, with names that typically are the same as the corresponding Majic join, with underscores replacing the dots that indicate the join. For example, the following SELECT statement might be used for a report that lists information about the request assignees:

SELECT ref_num, assignee_combo_name, assignee_organization_name
   FROM cr WHERE customer_last_name LIKE 'smith%'

The CA SDM ODBC driver automatically builds joins as required to access the tables referenced by attribute aliases. A user in the CA SDM administrator role can easily add new attribute aliases online, providing a column-at-a-time way to extend the view corresponding to an object.

To access the Attribute Alias table, select the Administration tab, and browse to CA SDM, Codes, Attribute Aliases.