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pdm_discimp -- Discovered Asset Import

Batch registration of non-CA SDM Discovered Assets. Use this to search the MDB for assets that were registered by other software products and register them as CA SDM assets, so they can be used in CA SDM.

Logic is similar to Discovered Assets dialog that can be launched from Asset Search/List web form. That is an interactive and batch process.

This program will query the ca_logical_asset, ca_asset, and ca_logical_asset_property tables, using various parameters, and attempt to register new CA SDM Assets from the discovered values.


pdm_discimp [-l label] [-s serial number] [-t asset tag] [-n hostname] [-d dns name] [-m mac address] [-c asset class] [-v] [-r] [-o object manager]

Asset selection criteria (use % for wild card):


Match this asset label.


Match this serial number.


Match this asset tag.


Match this hostname.

Asset property selection criteria (use % for wild card):


Match this dns name.


Match this mac address.

Other options:


Asset class to assign when registering new owned assets defaults to Discovered Hardware.


Verbose/diagnostic mode.


Register assets, otherwise runs in simulate mode.


Displays this information.


Object manager (domsrvr) to use for processing.

Note: If processing results in a blank Asset Label, the value found for the host name or DNS Name will be used as the Asset Label. Assets must have at least a Label and Asset Class to be registered for use in CA SDM.

Because of the structure of the MDB and CA SDM architecture limitations, two queries are performed to select the appropriate records to process. It is important to understand this as it could affect performance. The first query retrieves the rows from a join between the ca_logical_asset and ca_asset tables that match label, serial number, tag and hostname. Then for each resulting row, a query is performed against ca_logical_asset_property to match dns_name and mac_address. The asset from the first query is chosen for registration if the second query results in rows being returned.

Important! On UNIX, the LIBPATH must be set before running several CA SDM utilities. Use pdm_task to set the LIBPATH before running a utility. For example, input "pdm_task pdm_clean_attachments ...".