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Create Owned Assets

Many CA Technologies products create assets in the CA MDB; however the assets are not automatically available to CA SDM. Usually a CA SDM organization only wants to track assets that the organization owns and that were acquired through a formal process. Some devices that are detected on the network by other CA Technologies products should most likely not become available to CA SDM automatically. For example, the laptop computer of a visiting consultant is probably of no interest to the CA SDM organization.

To make a discovered asset in the CA MDB available to CA SDM, use the Discovered Asset selection dialog that is available from the Asset Search or Create New Asset forms in the Analyst Web Interface.

Note: The Discovered Asset selection dialog is available on the Web Client.

If the WorldView integration is being used, discovered Assets can be made available to CA SDM from the pdm_nsmimp command-line utility. The CA NSM 2D/3D map and Unicenter Explorer let you access and create requests by right‑clicking a managed object to display two menu options: Create Request and Request List. These menu options are added to CA NSM when you integrate with CA SDM.