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Configure the Converter on UNIX

After integrating CA SDM and CA NSM, you must also configure the converter using the pdm_edit utility as follows:

  1. On the CA SDM primary server installation, switch to the $NX_ROOT/samples/pdmconf directory.
  2. Enter the following command to start the pdm_edit utility:
  3. Answer the prompts according to your requirements, and when you get to the main menu, type N to select the Edit UNI Converters (UNIX_ONLY) option.
  4. Type A to add, then enter the name or IP address of the CA NSM server computer (configured as the CA SDM secondary server) when prompted for a host name.
  5. The script prompts you for an IP address. Enter the IP address of the CA SDM primary server computer.
  6. Press Enter to return to the main menu, and then type X to save and exit.

    This process creates a file called pdm_startup.rmt that stores your new configuration values.

  7. Create a backup of the pdm_startup.tpl that resides in the $NX_ROOT/pdmconf directory of the CA SDM primary server installation, then replace it with the newly created pdm_startup.rmt file.
  8. Run pdm_configure on the CA SDM primary server without making any changes. This puts your new configuration settings into effect the next time you start the CA SDM server.

    Important! Do not reinitialize your database when you reconfigure.

  9. As the privileged user, run pdm_proctor_init on the CA NSM server to start the CA SDM proctor.
  10. As the privileged user, restart the CA SDM services to start the CA SDM daemons. Run pdm_status to display the status of the daemons.

Consider the following information as you make selections during the integration process: