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Manage Subscriptions

A subscription is the term used in Accounting Component to identify the assignment of a service by an administrator to an account. Once the service is activated for the account, any charges stemming from the subscription are calculated for each invoice period for as long as the subscription is active. If a subscription is cancelled, the service is deactivated as soon as all outstanding charges are accounted for and processed. In addition, subscriptions can be suspended for any amount of time, during which no charges are incurred.

You can view and manage your subscriptions by selecting Accounting, Account Management, clicking an account name, and clicking the Subscriptions tab. Although the subscription process is primarily an administrator task, end users are given read access to active subscriptions for accounts to which they belong.

The Administration, Configuration, Subscription Configuration menu option enables Administrators to change the way future subscriptions of an account are handled.

Note: For more information on the subscription management options, see the Implementation Guide.