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Define Multiple Aggregation

Data imported from an external source may need to be aggregated in multiple ways. To fulfill this requirement, you can define multiple profiles based on the same data set. This definition lets you use one set of external source data and aggregate it in different ways to meet your business requirements.

To define multiple aggregation logic on a profile

  1. Go to Accounting, Data Mediation, Profile Management.
  2. Click Copy for the profile for which you want to define a new profile and different aggregation logic.

    A copy of the profile using the same name is created using the same source. The SQL Expression is not copied.

  3. Click the new profile and define the alternate aggregation logic for this data source. Click Save.

    A different target table entry is created.

    When data aggregation is called, the SQL query or procedure runs, resulting in two separate event tables. If the data in both tables is normalized properly, both data sets are aggregated successfully.

    Note: Initial aggregation logic for a profile is run without regard to sequential order.