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watch procgroupex Directive--Add Entries to the Process Group Monitor Table (UNIX only)

The watch procgroupex directive lets you add process group monitor entries to the Process Group Monitor table directly in the file. The arguments represent columns in the Proces Group Monitor table.

Add a line to the file in the agent data directory using the syntax described below, save the file, and restart the agent for the change to take effect.

Use the watch procgroupex directive to add entries to the Process Group Monitor table as follows:

watch procgroupex 'regexpr' user group index flags interval ['descr'] ['action'] [severity]

Specifies the regular expression to use when attempting to acquire process IDs for the group to monitor.


Specifies the user name to match in addition to any process name regular expression (UNIX specific).


Specifies the group name to match in addition to any process name regular expression (UNIX specific).


Specifies the row (index) of the monitor table to use for this entry. Each row in the table is uniquely identified by an index number. Rows 1 through 10 are reserved for internal use by the agent, so the index value must be greater than 10 and unique across the table.


Specifies any additional behavioral instructions for this entry using a hexadecimal flags value (for example, 0x00000001). For more information about available flags, see Process Group Monitor Table Flags.


Specifies how often in seconds the monitoring should occur. For example, the value 30 instructs the agent to monitor this entry every 30 seconds. The value must be a minimum of 30 and a multiple of 30 seconds.


Specifies an arbitrary description (0 to 512 characters in length) of the table entry.


Specifies a command (0 to 2048 characters in length), including the full path and any parameters, to run when a match is found for the process group. If the string is empty, the agent performs no action for this entry.

Note: You can change the default settings for when the agent performs actions. For more information, see the chapter "Agent Configuration."


Specifies the severity to assign to the entry when a group changes and a trap is sent. The severity is included with the trap. Valid values are as follows:

Note that the severity designation only specifies the importance of the monitor and is not used to calculate status.

Default: none