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VMware VC Resource Pool

The following list provides the descriptions of the VMware VC Resource Pool performance metrics.

Overall Status

The status of the resource pool.

Memory Overall Usage (percent)

The overall memory usage of the resource pool in a percentage.

CPU Overall Usage (percent)

The overall CPU usage of the resource pool in a percentage.

CPU Expand Reservation

In a resource pool with an expandable reservation(1), the reservation on a resource pool can grow beyond the specified value, if the parent resource pool has unreserved resources. A nonexpandable(0) reservation is called a fixed reservation.


The maximum CPU (MHz) for the resource pool.


The minimum CPU (MHz) for the resource pool.

CPU Shares

The CPU Shares assigned to the resource pool.

Memory Expand Reservation

In a resource pool with an expandable reservation(1), the reservation on a resource pool can grow beyond the specified value, if the parent resource pool has unreserved resources. A nonexpandable(0) reservation is called a fixed reservation.

Mem Max

The maximum Memory (MB) for the resource pool.

Mem Min

The minimum Memory (MB) for the resource pool.

Mem Shares

The Memory Shares assigned to the resource pool.

CPU Max Usage

The current upper-bound on CPU usage.

CPU Usage Pct

The resource pool CPU Usage Percentage.

CPU Reserve Used

Reserve CPU used for the resource pool.

CPU Reserve Used For VM

The CPU Reserve Used for running VM in this resource pool or any of its child resource pools.

CPU UnReserve For Pool

The CPU UnReserved for a child resource pool.

CPU UnReserve For VM

The CPU UnReserved for a child virtual memory.

Mem Max Usage

The maximum memory usage of resource pool, in megabytes.

Mem Usage Pct

The resource pool Memory Usage Percentage.

Mem Reserve Used

The memory reserved for all the children of resource pool.

Mem Reserve Used For VM

The reserved memory used for running VM in this resource pool or any of its child resource pools.

Mem UnReserve For Pool

The memory unreserved for resource pool.

Mem UnReserve For VM

The memory unreserved for a child VM.