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Use Remote Interactive Mode

You can start a remote interactive session to a managed system that has the AutoShell client installed. AutoShell uses SSH for communication between manager and client shells to connect to any SSH server system with user name and password as login credentials. In this case, the available commands are not AutoShell commands, but the commands of the SSH configured on the remote system.

To use remote interactive mode

  1. Specify the remote host name with the –h switch:
    caaipaomautoshell.exe -h ascl1

    The interactive command prompt displays and contains the name of the remote host specified. Commands entered at the prompt are executed in the client shell on the remote system. The result returns to the manager shell and displays in the interactive session.

    Note: When scripts are specified for execution in an interactive remote session, they must reside on the remote system.

  2. Enter one of the following options to terminate the AutoShell interactive session: