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Systems Management Empire MIB Groups

The Systems Management Empire MIB is an enterprise-specific collection of attributes that contains tables and groups of objects for self-monitoring.

The following groups and tables have objects that you can monitor in the Systems Management Empire MIB:

System Group (sysedgeSystem)

Contains basic system information such as host name, CPU type, amount of memory, time zone, fully qualified domain name of the system, list of loaded plug-ins, or SystemEDGE's uptime.

Mounted Devices Table (devTable)

Contains information about devices and file systems mounted on the host such as mount point, block size, free blocks, inodes in use, or maximum file name length. You can also create monitors for values such as file system usage or unmount a mounted device by setting a column value in this table.

Kernel Configuration Group (kernelConfig)

Contains kernel information such as number of CPUs, amount of virtual memory, memory per process, open files per process, swap space, or clock rate. Use this group to monitor kernel properties and configuration.

Boot Configuration Group (bootconf)

Contains information about the root file system, dump file system, and swap space. Monitor this table to track values such as root file system name, file system blocks, or file system type.

Streams Group (streams)

Contains information about the streams I/O subsystem. Use this group to monitor objects such as number of streams in use, number of stream allocation failures, and number of streams in queue to track the health of the subsystem.

User Table (userTable)

Contains information about the user accounts on the system.

Group Table (groupTable)

Contains information about the user groups on the system.

Process Table (processTable)

Contains information about running processes. Monitor this table to track the processes that are currently running, and to set specific attributes to control processes. For example, you can stop a process by setting the value of the processkill column to 9.

Who Table (whoTable)

Contains information about the users currently logged on to the system. Monitor attributes in this table to track who is using a system at any given time.

Remote Shell Group (remoteshell)

Contains attributes for running shell scripts and programs on the remote system. Set the attributes in this table to specify a command, its arguments, and the name of an output file.

Kernel Performance Group (kernelperf)

Contains information about the health and performance of the host operating system. You can monitor attributes such as the number of current processes and open files, the number of active jobs, and the number of jobs in the scheduler's run queue.

Interprocess Communication Tables (msgqueTable, shmemTable, semTable)

Contains information about message queues, shared memory, and semaphores in separate tables. Monitor these tables to coordinate communication between processes.

Message Buffers Allocation Table (mbufAllocTable)

Contains information about how your system is using message buffers. Monitor attributes in this table to track information such as the number of times buffer requests were denied or delayed.

Streams Buffers Allocation Table (strbufAllocTable)

Contains information about buffer allocation and usage statistics for buffers used by the streams subsystem.

I/O Buffer Cache Group (ioBufferCache)

Contains information about I/O buffer allocation and usage for basic disk I/O. Monitor this table to track information such as peak periods of I/O buffer activity.

Directory Name Lookup Cache Group (dnlc)

Contains information about directory and file name cache performance.

AIX Logical Partition Group (logicalPartition)

Contains information about IBM AIX logical partitions (LPARs). You can monitor attributes such as physical or logical CPU for each partition and the number of CPUs for each partition.

Trap Community Table (trapCommunityTable)

Contains SNMP information such as configured communities, users, and trap destinations.

NT System Group (ntSystem)

Contains information specific to Windows systems. This group contains System, Thread, Registry, Service, System Performance, Cache Performance, Memory Performance, Page File Performance, and Event Monitor groups to monitor attributes for these areas on Windows systems.

RPC Statistics Group (rpc)

Contains information about kernel remote procedure calls. Monitor this table to track attributes such as counters and statistics for detecting peak periods of RPC activity.

NFS Statistics Group (nfs)

Contains information about the kernel's NFS facility. Monitor this table to track attributes such as statistics and counters for detecting peak periods of NFS activity.

Disk Statistics Table (diskStatsTable)

Contains information about disk I/O.

CPU Statistics Table (cpuStatsTable)

Contains performance statistics for each CPU. Monitor this table to track attributes such as time spent in Idle mode and time spent in Wait mode.

The Systems Management Empire MIB also contains the monitoring tables and tables to support object aggregation. For more information about object aggregation, see State Management Model.