Previous Topic: Configure NIM Master Server

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Synchronize NIM Master Servers

NIM master server resource and property synchronization is based on the CONFIG_KEY_IMG_IMAGELIST_SYNC_INTERVAL key in install_path\conf\caimgconf.cfg. The default setting is 12 hours. You also can synchronize on demand.

Note: caimgconf.cfg changes require a restart of the CAAIPApache service.

To synchronize NIM master servers on demand

  1. Log in to the CA Server Automation user interface.
  2. Click Administration.

    The Administration page appears.

  3. Click Configuration.

    The Configuration page appears.

  4. In the left pane, click NIM Master Server.

    The NIM Master Server page appears.

  5. Select one or more NIM servers.
  6. Click >> (Refresh NIM server properties).