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Specify Read-Write Community Prior To Deployment

To get full SystemEDGE monitoring and management functionality you must specify a valid read-write SNMP community for the SystemEDGE agent. You can configure the read/write community string in the remote deployment package wrapper for SystemEDGE prior to deployment.

Specify read-write community prior to deployment

  1. Select Resources, Deployment.
  2. Open the Deployment pane.

    Available deployment groups appear.

  3. Expand Packages, the specific package type, and the wrapper platform, and select the wrapper to modify.

    The wrapper details appear in the right pane.

  4. Specify the read-write parameters in the Read-Write Community field and click Save.

    Note: The agent does not function correctly, if you specify community strings with space characters or semicolon (;) in the user interface.

More Information:

Add Server-level SNMP Settings

Apply Policy to Machines