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Start a Silent Installation

A silent installation consists of editing property files and starting the installation from a command line.

Important! The properties file must use UTF-8 encoding. Unicode and ANSI encoding are not supported.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the root directory of the installation media and copy all folders to the installation server.

    Important! Preserve the directory structure on the installation media when copying the files to the installation server.

  2. Open the path\ResponseFileTemplates folder on your server.
  3. Open and edit the file using a text editor.

    Note: Do not remove sections that are unused.

  4. Open a Command Prompt window, navigate to the Windows folder, and enter the following command:
    install.exe -i silent -f <path_to_silent.properties_file>\
  5. Review the Install.log file for errors and warnings after installation.