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Increase the Size of /tmp and /opt File Systems

Default file system sizes are not always large enough for IBM image provisioning. If there is insufficient space in the /tmp or /opt file systems, agent deployment to NIM clients can fail. If the selected defaults are too small for the agents to install, increase them to at least 400 MB (for /tmp) and 700 MB (for /opt). If you do not have NIM scripts that increase the file system sizes, uncomment the chfs commands in the script. chfs commands enable the NIM adapter to increase the file system size by using this script as a NIM script resource following NIM client imaging.

Note: Only enable these lines if your scripts do not already use them.

Follow these steps:

  1. Change to the install_path/imaging/etc directory, and open the script file.
  2. Uncomment both chfs commands in the script by removing the leading # character.

    The commented line resembles the following example:

    #chfs -a size=$OPTFSSIZE /opt

    The uncommented line resembles the following example:

    chfs -a size=$OPTFSSIZE /opt

    Note: Optionally change the OPTFSSIZE and TMPFSSIZE variables to higher values than the default. Do not set them lower than the default.

  3. Save the file and exit.