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Run Action Sequence

The Run Action Sequence action type lets you select multiple actions for a rule and run them in a defined sequence.

The Details section of the action definition contains the following fields:

Restart if interrupted

Restarts the action sequence if it is interrupted. The action does not resume from the point that it was interrupted, but it starts the sequence over from the beginning.

Action Sequence

Provides single or multiple row selections of actions and conditions. When you select Action Sequence, a drop-down list is enabled. If it is not selected, text is displayed in the table cell.


Specifies the sequence of actions.

Note: If an action sequence exits without a condition being met, the default return code is -1.


Specifies the action name. You can select an action from the available actions in the drop-down list.

Condition Name

Specifies the condition that determines the next action to run. You can create your own custom conditions or use one of the following predefined conditions:

Note: Conditions are evaluated in the order that they are created.

Next Step

Specifies the next action to run based on the results of the condition.


Continues to the next action when the condition evaluates to true.

Exit (RC=0)

Exits the sequence and returns a code of 0 to the log when the condition evaluates to true.

Exit w/RC (RC=action RC)

Exits the action sequence and the action's return code when the condition evaluates to true.

Abort (RC=-1)

Stops the action sequence and returns a code of -1 to the log when the condition evaluates to true.

Go to #

Continues to the action sequence number specified when the condition evaluates to true.

Add Action

Adds a new action to the table and automatically generates a new sequence number.

Add Condition

Adds a new condition to the action.


Deletes the selected row and updates the sequence numbers. A row can contain an action or a condition. This function permits you to delete a condition of an action without deleting the entire action.


Saves the action sequence.

Note: If the Next Step in the last action in the sequence is set to Continue, the setting is automatically changed to “Exit w/RC (RC=action RC)”, and an informational message notifies you that the Next Step for the last action in the sequence has been changed.