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Edit the Rules File

The Rules file includes the names of the Profile and Finish files for the image. The Rules file can be copied from an existing JumpStart image or from the newly created Solaris 8 image. Advanced users may need to write rules to control not only which images can be installed but also which rules start or finish scripts run on specific JumpStart clients. They also can require site-specific finish scripts, which are acceptable if they include a call to bin/

To edit the rules file

  1. Navigate to the configuration parent directory and open the Rules file with a text editor.
  2. Write your rule with the following format. Rules are free form.
    rule value  begin_file  profile_file finish_file
  3. Rename or delete the existing rules file and create one with the following rule for the minimum Rules file:
    any  profile  bin/
  4. Save the file.
  5. Run the check shell script to validate your changes to the Rules file:

    JumpStart uses the rules.ok file which is created by the check shell script.